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1 Israel vs 222 Palestinia Tewas: Adilkah?

Written By Unknown on Friday 1 August 2014 | 01:30:00

1 Israel vs 222 Palestinia Tewas: Adilkah?
Dari penculikan 3 remaja Israel, Israel menahan lebih dari 300 orang Palestina. Tidakkah itu berlebihan? Harusnya cukup 30 orang saja. Kecuali Israel punya bukti kuat bahwa lebih dari 300 orang (mayoritas anggota Hamas) itu adalah pelakunya.

Karena itu, Hamas dan Jihad Islam menembakkan 1.100 roket (sumber: IDF – Militer Israel) yang menyebabkan seorang Israel tewas tanggal 15 Juli 2014. Sementara Israel sejak 30 Juni menyerang 1.576 sasaran terror di Gaza dengan serangan udara dan kapal laut. Jika 1 sasaran teror mendapat 10 rudal dari Israel, paling tidak Israel sudah menembakkan 15.760 rudal ke Gaza yang membunuh 222 orang (padahal kemarin baru 194 orang!). Cepat sekali pertambahan korban di pihak Palestina karena mereka tidak punya pesawat tempur, tank, kapal perang, dsb.

Israel dengan angkatan perangnya yang memiliki ribuan pesawat tempur, jutaan roket dan rudal, kapal perang, tank, dsb harusnya bisa bersikap lebih bijak. Menyerang ribuan milisi di antara 1,7 juta penduduk Gaza itu bukan Perang. Tapi Pembantaian.

Karena serangan Israel yang brutal, Ilmuwan Yahudi Stephen Hawkings memboykot Israel. Demikian pula Noam Chomsky.

Ada pun seorang anak di Gaza dengan lantang berkata:
“Roket-roket itu mungkin ada di atas kita
Tapi mereka lupa: Allah di atas mereka!”

Israelis consider ground invasion of Gaza; brief truce planned
The deaths of at least 222 Palestinians, most of them civilians, in the latest fighting has exposed the Israeli government to widespread criticism that escalated Wednesday with the deaths of four children playing on a Gaza beach when an artillery shell landed. One Israeli has been killed.

First Israeli killed by Gaza rocket fire as Netanyahu vows to exert ‘great force’ against Hamas
Palestinian health officials say 194 Palestinians were killed and more than 1,400 over the past week.

First Israeli Killed Near Gaza Border

Everything You Need To Know About The Israel-Gaza Conflict
Tensions were ignited in June when three Israeli teenagers, one with American citizenship and all seminary students, were kidnapped while hitchhiking in the West Bank and killed on June 12 and their bodies were discovered June 30. Within days, Israel arrested more than 300 Palestinians, many of them members of Hamas. Hamas warned Israel it had “opened up the gates of hell” with its actions.

On the night the boys’ bodies were found, a barrage of rockets were launched from Gaza at Israel and Israeli warplanes carried out numerous air strikes in Gaza.

On July 2, a Palestinian teenager was kidnapped and burned to death in apparent retaliation. The death triggered riots in East Jerusalem, a largely Palestinian area. Three Israelis have been arrested and charged with his death.

The attacks quickly escalated. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have fired rockets with a reach that Israel had not previously seen, with air raid sirens going off as far away as Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa.

According to the Israeli Defense Forces, Israel has hit 1,576 terror targets in Gaza with either air strikes or naval bombardment in its Operation Protective Edge. The Palestinian Health Ministry says more than 190 people have been killed in Gaza and more than 1,300 have been injured since the operation began. The IDF claims nearly 1,100 rockets have been launched at Israel in the last week, 845 of which have hit Israel and nearly 200 were intercepted by the Iron Dome.

Stephen Hawking’s boycott hits Israel where it hurts: science
What really winds up Israel is that this rejection comes from a famous scientist, and it is science that drives its economy, prestige and military strength

Noam Chomsky helped lobby Stephen Hawking to stage Israel boycott
US professor Noam Chomsky expressed regret at Hawking’s initial acceptance of invitation to speak at conference in Israel

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