Arab Saudi Bos Besar dan penyandang dana
salafy wahabi takfiri dan teroris Al Qaeda Internasional, diberitakan
bekerjasama dengan Israel untuk menyerang proyek nuklir Iran untuk
tenaga listrik (baca beritanya dibawah tulisan ini),
berita ini mungkin mengejutkan sebagian pihak, masak sih negara yang
membanggakan diri dengan menyebut Khadimul Haramain/pelayan Dua Kota
Suci bekerjasama dan membantu zionis Israel, negara musuh utama umat
Islam yang menduduki kota suci ketiga umat Islam yaitu Al Quds dan
Bagi Abusalafy ini bukan berita baru,
ketika Israel pada tahun 1981 menyerang reaktor nuklir Irak pesawat
zionis tersebut juga melewati wilayah udara Dinasti Al Saud, yang
dibiarkan melenggang dengan santai. Sepak terjang Dinasti Al Saud dan
hubungan cinta mesranya dengan negara zionis ini sudah bukan rahasia
lagi (bagi semua yang rajin membaca media baik barat, arab dan lokal
pasti mengetahui hal itu)…. bahkan media salafy-wahabi lokal patron dan
pendukung dinast al Saud sendiri telah banyak yang memuatnya entah
karena tidak dapat menutupinya lagi atau rasa frustasi dengan bossnya
yang makin menampakkan diri hubungan gelapnya dengan “wanita
simpanan”nya yakni negara yahudi zionis tersebut. Untuk mempersingkat
dibawah saya sebutkan sekelumit data-data tentang hubungan Saudi dan
Zionis Israel.
- Pada Senin, 14 Sya’ban 1431 H / 26 Juli 2010 media salafy-wahabi “Era Muslim” pernah menurunkan berita dengan judul “Kunjungan Rahasia Pimpinan Mossad ke Arab Saudi”
Kunjungan Rahasia Pimpinan Mossad ke Arab Saudi.
Pimpinan Mossad–lembaga intelijen luar negeri Israel–Meir Dagan disebut-sebut baru saja melakukan kunjungan ke Arab Saudi. Situs WorldNetDaily yang memuat berita itu menyebutkan bahwa Dagan dan para petinggi intelijen Saudi melakukan pembicaraan tentang Iran dan program nuklir negara itu.
Meski tidak membuka hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel, terkait konflik Israel-Palestina, sejumlah laporan menyebutkan bahwa Arab Saudi secara diam-diam menjalin kerjasama dengan Israel, termasuk kerjasama dalam bidang pertahanan, utamanya terkait kemungkinan aksi militer terhadap Iran.Sebelum informasi soal kunjungan Meir Dagan ke Saudi muncul, sejumlah informasi tentang pertemuan rahasia Saudi-Israel sudah dilansir beberapa media. Dua bulan yang lalu, surat kabar Times yang terbit di London melaporkan bahwa Arab Saudi mematikan sistem pertahanan udaranya selama beberapa jam untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi pesawat-pesawat tempur Israel yang melewati wilayah udara Saudi untuk menguji skenario jika Israel jadi menyerang Iran.
Beberapa media Arab dan Iran juga pernah melaporkan tentang pesawat-pesawat tempur serta helikopter milik angkatan udara Israel yang mendarat di Arab Saudi untuk menempatkan peralatan militer mereka di negeri kaya minyak itu.
Tiga minggu yang lalu, juga santer diberitakan bahwa Duta Besar Uni Emirat Arab di Washington dalam sebuah konferensi mengatakan kalau Iran lebih berbahaya dari Israel jika Negeri Para Mullah memiliki senjata nuklir.
Pernyataan Dubes Emirat Arab itu menunjukkan bahwa negara-negara Arab dan Teluk, meski menolak membuka hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel, diam-diam "selingkuh" dan menjalin kerjasama yang intensif dengan rezim Zionis itu, terutama untuk menghadapi Iran. (ln/hrz)
- *Aljazeera Media milik pemerintah Qatar sekutu Arab Saudi memberitakan bahwa pangeran negeri wahabi itu Al Waleed bin Talal (ponakan Raja Abdullah) bekerjasama dengan raja media dunia terkenal seorang zionis Rupert Murdoch untuk meluncurkan TV satelit Sky News dalam bahasa arab “Sky News Arabia” yang sekarang sudah beropasioanal
Media adalah salah satu alat propaganda,
lalu apa tujuan pangeran wahabi tersebut bekerjasama dengan seorang
zionis untuk membuat TV Satelit berbahasa arab? apakah untuk
mempengaruhi warga yahudi Israel atau mempengaruhi warga arab demi
kepentingan zionis? siapa yang diuntungkan Zionis atau bangsa Arab?
tidak cukup itu Al Waleed bin Talal juga memiliki 7% saham News Corp perusahaan milik zionis Rupert Murdoch tersebut.
Murdoch's ambitions in the Middle East. |
With his media empire under fire in the west, NewsCorp chief eyes the Middle East market.
Murdoch's NewsCorp scandal is sending shock waves across the UK,
as protesters reject the mogul's denial of reponsibility for criminal
behaviour within his empire [GALLO/GETTY]
Embroiled in a scandal that has global implications, Rupert Murdoch's
media empire is under fire due to the ongoing fallout resulting from
the News of the World scandal.
But while News Corp remains under heavy scrutiny in the UK, US, and the rest of the West, the launch of Abu Dhabi-based Arabic language news channel Sky News Arabia is still on track.
But while News Corp remains under heavy scrutiny in the UK, US, and the rest of the West, the launch of Abu Dhabi-based Arabic language news channel Sky News Arabia is still on track.
For someone interested in assisting in starting a television network
with a planned initial reach of 50 million viewers across the Middle
East, Murdoch has an interesting perspective on regional issues that
affect the would-be consumers of the new Arabic channel.
"My own perspective is simple", Murdoch told the Anti-Defamation League on December 13, 2010. "We live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews."
Murdoch emphasised "the importance of good relations between Israel
and the United States", stating: "Some believe that if America wants to
gain credibility in the Muslim world and advance the cause of peace,
Washington needs to put some distance between itself and Israel. My view
is the opposite."
In a speech Murdoch gave when receiving the American Jewish Committee's National Human Relations Award
in March 2009, less than three months after the end of Israel's
bombardment of Gaza, he referenced Gaza and said: "The free world makes a
terrible mistake if we deceive ourselves into thinking this is not our
fight. In the end, the Israeli people are fighting the same enemy we
are: cold-blooded killers who reject peace ... who reject freedom."
Ari Rabin-Havt, Executive Vice President of the media watchdog group
Media Matters, says Murdoch's Fox News in the US "is one of the most
bigoted, anti-Muslim channels on TV".
"Their hosts, contributors, and guests were vocal opponents of the
planned building of an Islamic cultural centre near ground zero,"
Rabin-Havt told Al Jazeera. "One of those guests was anti-Muslim
conspiracy theorist Pam Geller, who compared the centre to building a Ku
Klux Klan 'shrine' near a black church in Alabama."
Murdoch's Middle East connection.
Billionaire Prince Walid bin Talal bin Abdelaziz Al-Saud, a nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, has, according to Forbes magazine, a net worth estimated to be at least $19.6bn. This makes him the 26th wealthiest person on the planet, as well as the richest man in Saudi Arabia.
He is also the second biggest shareholder (at seven per cent) in News Corporation, only behind Murdoch himself.
During a recent interview on his yacht with the BBC's Newsnight, Prince Walid declared himself to be a "good friend" of Rupert Murdoch and his son James, and staunchly defended the men amid the ongoing NewsCorp scandal.
Billionaire Prince Walid bin Talal bin Abdelaziz Al-Saud, a nephew of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, has, according to Forbes magazine, a net worth estimated to be at least $19.6bn. This makes him the 26th wealthiest person on the planet, as well as the richest man in Saudi Arabia.
He is also the second biggest shareholder (at seven per cent) in News Corporation, only behind Murdoch himself.
During a recent interview on his yacht with the BBC's Newsnight, Prince Walid declared himself to be a "good friend" of Rupert Murdoch and his son James, and staunchly defended the men amid the ongoing NewsCorp scandal.
billionaire Prince Walid (centre) talks to his assistant, as Rupert
Murdoch watches, before the Abu Dhabi Media Summit in March 2010
is noteworthy that,while Prince Walid is the second largest shareholder
in News Corp, Murdoch is also a major shareholder (ten per cent) in
Prince Walid's Rotana Media Group based in the Middle East. As recently
as this May, Murdoch's conglomerate took a significant stake in Prince
Walid's film, TV, and music business, a move that deepened the financial
relationship between the two men.
Rotana television broadcasts in Saudi Arabia and via satellite to the Arab World and Arab Diaspora, and includes Fox (Middle East), a Fox film channel - and is better known for broadcasting US films, television and music videos.
Rotana television broadcasts in Saudi Arabia and via satellite to the Arab World and Arab Diaspora, and includes Fox (Middle East), a Fox film channel - and is better known for broadcasting US films, television and music videos.
Even though Murdoch is in business with Prince Walid, and the two men
have a mutually beneficial relationship, many of his personal views and
the views of his media outlets take a very adversarial stance towards
the Arab and Muslim world.
"They [Muslims] are much harder to integrate into a community than
the average Indian or Chinese or Japanese even," Murdoch told the Sydney Morning Herald on June 26, 2006.
Bill O'Reilly, a leading host on Murdoch's Fox News channel, said, during his broadcast on October 18, 2010:
"Folks are fed up with politically correct nonsense. There's no
question there is a Muslim problem in the world," and "most Americans
well understand the danger coming out of the Muslim world". The
on-screen text read: "The Muslim Dilemma." The next day, O'Reilly repeated the claim that there was "a Muslim problem in the world".
Last spring, at the exclusive three-day Abu Dhabi Media Summit, Murdoch hinted:
"We've also been broadcasting some of our Fox International Channels. More recently, we took another step by investing in a local media company that also is the world's largest producer of Arab music. The company is called Rotana. To be frank, Rotana does not really need our financing. We are partnering with Rotana for something more ambitious."
The show must go on?
"We've also been broadcasting some of our Fox International Channels. More recently, we took another step by investing in a local media company that also is the world's largest producer of Arab music. The company is called Rotana. To be frank, Rotana does not really need our financing. We are partnering with Rotana for something more ambitious."
The show must go on?
Despite the phone hacking scandal in the UK, Sky News Arabia, a 50/50
joint venture with BSkyB and the Abu Dhabi Media Investment
Corporation, has plans to launch next spring as a 24-hour news channel.
Days after the closing of the News of the World newspaper, senior executives Rebekah Brooks and Les Hinton resigned over the scandal.
Their resignations came after Prince Walid urged Murdoch and his son James to "cooperate fully" with inquiries into the scandal.
"If the indications are for [Mrs Brooks'] involvement in this matter … for sure she has to go, you bet she has to go," Prince Walid told Newsnight.
Possibly underscoring Prince Walid's power in News Corp, fewer than 24 hours after that interview was broadcast, it was announced Brooks had resigned from her position as chief executive of News International.
Last week, Prince Walid said he welcomed the decision to close the News of the World.
"The rotten and defective apple [News of the World] has been eliminated by management," he told Forbes magazine via text message. "Moreover, I as shareholder and the Murdochs won't tolerate any unethical behaviour, and the fact that the newspaper was shut down is conclusive proof that News Corp wants to put this case behind it, irrespective of the BSkyB takeover. Plus, News [Corp] is a lot bigger than a newspaper."
Muhammad Ahmad, a Glasgow-based media scholar who has taught journalism and politics at the University of Stirling, disagrees with Prince Walid's "rotten apple" theory.
"The strangeness of the fact that a Saudi is the second biggest NewsCorp stockholder, and he has never taken any actions to curb or censor bad journalism, and there is no regulation whatsoever, is troubling," Ahmad told Al Jazeera. "You have a ruthless media operation, especially now when it is being called out, and they were unapologetic to begin with. This is not a question of some bad apples. News Corp is a corrupt institution, to its foundations, and now it's trying to get control over Sky Arabia. This should be outrageous for anyone, especially viewers."
The channel intends to broadcast to more than 50 million households across the Middle East and North Africa region, according to network executives. It will be based in Abu Dhabi, with bureaux around the world.
The channel will enter a TV-news market in competition with Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and BBC Arabic, among others.
Professor David Miller, a sociologist at Scotland's Strathclyde University and co-founder of the media watchdog group Spinwatch, told Al Jazeera that he feels the Sky News Arabia venture is "unsafe".
"I don't know what the regulating authority would be in this case, but it certainly does not bode well for a news organisation to have Sky or NewsCorp involved at all."
Their resignations came after Prince Walid urged Murdoch and his son James to "cooperate fully" with inquiries into the scandal.
"If the indications are for [Mrs Brooks'] involvement in this matter … for sure she has to go, you bet she has to go," Prince Walid told Newsnight.
Possibly underscoring Prince Walid's power in News Corp, fewer than 24 hours after that interview was broadcast, it was announced Brooks had resigned from her position as chief executive of News International.
Last week, Prince Walid said he welcomed the decision to close the News of the World.
"The rotten and defective apple [News of the World] has been eliminated by management," he told Forbes magazine via text message. "Moreover, I as shareholder and the Murdochs won't tolerate any unethical behaviour, and the fact that the newspaper was shut down is conclusive proof that News Corp wants to put this case behind it, irrespective of the BSkyB takeover. Plus, News [Corp] is a lot bigger than a newspaper."
Muhammad Ahmad, a Glasgow-based media scholar who has taught journalism and politics at the University of Stirling, disagrees with Prince Walid's "rotten apple" theory.
"The strangeness of the fact that a Saudi is the second biggest NewsCorp stockholder, and he has never taken any actions to curb or censor bad journalism, and there is no regulation whatsoever, is troubling," Ahmad told Al Jazeera. "You have a ruthless media operation, especially now when it is being called out, and they were unapologetic to begin with. This is not a question of some bad apples. News Corp is a corrupt institution, to its foundations, and now it's trying to get control over Sky Arabia. This should be outrageous for anyone, especially viewers."
The channel intends to broadcast to more than 50 million households across the Middle East and North Africa region, according to network executives. It will be based in Abu Dhabi, with bureaux around the world.
The channel will enter a TV-news market in competition with Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and BBC Arabic, among others.
Professor David Miller, a sociologist at Scotland's Strathclyde University and co-founder of the media watchdog group Spinwatch, told Al Jazeera that he feels the Sky News Arabia venture is "unsafe".
"I don't know what the regulating authority would be in this case, but it certainly does not bode well for a news organisation to have Sky or NewsCorp involved at all."
Follow Dahr Jamail on Twitter: @DahrJamail
Pangeran Negeri Wahabi-Salafy Walid bin Talal dan Raja Media Zionis Rupert Murdoch
- Kerjasama Arab Saudi, Israel dan Amerika untuk membunuh pimpinan Hizbullah Hasan Nasrullah sekutu Iran
Sunday, July 1, 2007
US, Israel plotting to kill Nasrallah - report
Contributed by Lucia
Syrian newspaper says Saudi Arabia, Israel, and US seeking intelligence on whereabouts of Shiite leader
attempt on the life of Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah was foiled by
the Shiite organization, a Syrian weekly magazine reported on Saturday.
According to al-Madar, the
intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, the United States and Israel
sought to track secret Hizbullah bunkers in Lebanon as part of a plot to
assassinate Nasrallah.
The magazine also pointed to Fatah strongman Mohammad Dahlan and former Saudi Ambassador to Washington Prince Bandar Bin-Sultan as accomplices to the plot.
The Hizbullah leader has been underground since last summer's war with Israel.Israel
destroyed Hizbullah's stronghold of Dahiyeh in Beirut during the war
but failed to nail senior leaders of the Iranian-backed organization."
- Kerjasama Arab Saudi dengan Zionis melawan Iran
Arabian rulers align themselves with Zionism and imperialism against Islamic Iran.
Abu DharrMuslim public opinion in general and Arabian public opinion in particular is at a loss to properly understand the Islamic Republic of Iran. Many people have an intuitive feeling that the Islamic orientation in Iran is for the long-term benef
Abu Dharr
Muslim public opinion in general and Arabian public opinion in particular is at a loss to properly understand the Islamic Republic of Iran. Many people have an intuitive feeling that the Islamic orientation in Iran is for the long-term benefit of Muslims worldwide. The moneyed classes, the political elites, and the sectarian protagonists don’t see things that way — their instincts tell them that the Islamic Republic of Iran is expansionist and, therefore, a threat!
Some of them have come out of their diplomatic silence and stated in public that Iran is more dangerous than Israel. They, at politically sensitive times, remind us that Iran occupies three United Arab Emirates islands, that Iran oppresses the Ahwazi population of Arab descent, that Iran is coordinating its moves inside Iraq with the American occupation forces, and that the Shi‘i populations of Iraq and the (Arabian) Gulf owe their allegiance to Shi‘i Iran and not to their own people. (Remember the Jordanian King and the Egyptian Pharaoh-cum-president who talked about a Shi‘i crescent a couple of years ago). And finally they say that Iran is using the Palestinian issue as a diplomatic Trojan Horse to salvage its nuclear program.
Anyone who has the time and the patience to go through the official Arabian press gets the unmistakable impression that the Islamic Republic of Iran is “Zionist danger” on the verge of going nuclear while a forty year-old nuclear Zionist Israel is the Arabians’ comrade in arms. Don’t be surprised if the media networks belonging to Arabian petro-interests imply that President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is the new Holy Persian Emperor. When it comes to Islamic Iran there is a common denominator that is shared by Arabian nationalists, Islamic sectarians, and westoxicated liberals. The glue that keeps these otherwise contradictory elements together is the Saudi riyal, the American dollar, and the euro.
This motley assortment of religious and ideological types cannot see several hundred nuclear bombs and weapons in Israel; rather they have their eyes fixed on an Iran that is rumored primarily by Tel Aviv and Washington to be in a matter of a few years in possession of nuclear weapons. The Arabian media have a topsy-turvy view of facts. The political neanderthals in Riyadh, Cairo, and ‘Amman who are leading the Afro-Asian Arabian flock are preparing public opinion for an alignment of imperialism, Zionism, and Arabian munafiqs against the Islamic political order in Iran. There is a new tripartite force in the womb of the Holy Land precincts from Makkah to Jerusalem. The anti-intellectual and artless politicians in Arabian countries want to survive by any means necessary on their thrones and in the palaces; and if that means they shall politically cohabit with the evil governments of Israel and its American bedfellow then that is exactly what they will do. For the bloodline rulers of Arabia, the Lord of Makkah no longer counts; it is the lord of Washington to whom they should submit.
Some oily but squeaky Muslims from the Gulf and the Peninsula say with all the political ingenuousness that goes with it, “Why doesn’t the Islamic Republic of Iran relinquish control of the three islands of Abu Musa, the major Tunb and the minor Tunb (al-Tunb al-Kubra and al-Tunb al-Sughra) to its rightful owner — the United Arab Emirates? As if the Islamic Republic of Iran sent in its armed forces and occupied these three islands. Their short and shallow memory does not tell them that the Islamic Republic of Iran assumed responsibility of its geographical areas — including these three islands — from the late and never lamented Shah, who was the darling of the Saudi regime and the political ally of the (Arabian) Gulfers when Arabian nationalism under the tutelage of the late Jamal ‘Abd al-Nasir was at its peak. It was not the Islamic Republic of Iran that grabbed the southern territories of al-Ahwaz, otherwise referred to in official Ba‘thi political literature as ‘Arabistan, from al-ummah al-‘arabiyah (the Arabian Nation).
Let us refresh these Islamist history losers that the Islamic State in Iran assumed political responsibility for a vast area of land that includes many nationalities such as the Persians, Arabians, Kurds, Baluchis, Uzbeks, Lurs, and Turks. The only thing all these people have in common is their Islamic character and civilization. The majority of these peoples happen to have Shi‘i persuasion as their denominational preference. It may not be off the mark to say that there are some non-Shi‘i and non-Persian Muslims in Iran who feel they are not full political and civic participants of the Islamic State. And it is on the mark to acknowledge that the leadership in the Islamic State understands this very well and is doing whatever it can — given the war conditions imposed on it — to ameliorate this situation.
The Arabian political mind, void of its Islamic content, has a problem. It wants to pick a fight with non-Arabians because of slivers of territories parceled out by British and French colonialists to Iranians and Turks at a time when all of these Arabians combined do not have the will-power to forge one united and coordinated political order, that is, government. The same problem exists between Arabian nationalists and Turks in what the Turks call the region of Hatay and the Arabians call Iskandarun between Turkey and Syria. Let us face the facts: the Arabian countries suffer from backdoor occupation — the non-representative Arabian regimes — and from in-your-face occupations — Palestine, Iraq, Ceuta and Melilla (Moroccan areas). Somalia has become a failed nation-state; Sudan is threatened with the same destiny as Somalia, and lurking not far behind is Morocco. The United Arab Emirates, that is so sensitive about the Arab identity of its three “Iranian” occupied Islands, has lost its own Arabian identity. Arabians in their United Arab Emirates are the overwhelming minority — while foreigners and slave-laborers constitute 80% of its population.
To be blunt: at a time when Islamic Iran broke out of the global Zionist-imperialist network 31 years ago, the Arabian political elites have prostituted themselves to the same network of political rape and economic plunder. The social world — as the physical world — does not tolerate a vacuum. So when Iraq presented a void, Islamic Iran moved in. Why should anyone in his Islamic mind be bothered by an Islamic neighbor moving into Iraq to dislodge an imperialist intruder — the USA? The Arabian political and elitist crybabies have their own selves to blame; and if they could see through the emotional knots they are in they can easily identify the Saudi family kingdom for the socio-economic and politico-military mess that they are all in.
If these same Arabian myopics could put on their corrective Islamic lenses they would realize that the leadership in Islamic Iran has gone out on a political limb in its support of the Palestinians who are neither Iranian nor Shi‘is; inside of Islamic Iran there are sectarian and nationalist pressure groups who are not convinced that their government is looking out for them. These, too, in a very roundabout way, are allies of the Arabian nationalists and Islamic sectarians.
Islamic Iran, hence Arab Iran, is the powerhouse of the whole region. It is the only principled and reliable supporter of the Islamic Resistance against Zionist occupation and expansionism. In view of this, it is Islamic Iran that is working on liberating what everyone says is Arab land, not Iranian land. Over the past two decades, it was the Arabian regimes that helped militarist American imperialism to occupy Iraq. Take Islamic Iran out of the equation and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine become sitting ducks for the Israeli Zionist bombers and shooters. If the Arabians cannot do a thing to support their Palestinian brothers they should stop blaming Islamic Iran for helping them. The same Arabian regimes that backed the American occupation of Iraq are also the ones that give backbone to anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian propaganda.
While the officials and their media mouthpieces are in knots over Islamic Iran, the imperialist regime in Washington and its Zionist client in Tel Aviv are not confused by nationalism or sectarianism as they take a hard look at Islamic Iran. In the latest development the US regime has stationed a second aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln in the waters separating Arabia and Persia. It is anchored in the Arabian and what many naive Muslims would say “Sunni” ruled Bahrain. This is the first time in the past two years that the US political-military elite has stationed two of its aircraft carriers in the Gulf between Arabia and Persia. While the Arabians are in a confused mess about “what is Iran” the USS Harry S. Truman with its four squadrons of Hornet and Super Hornet fighter-bombers, surveillance and command craft, electronic warfare craft, squadrons of helicopters and transports are marking time for the Zionists in Washington to give them their strike-commands.
To prove their loyalties, the Saudi and Egyptian armed forces secretly coordinated their first-ever joint military exercises in October. It was called Exercise Tabuk-2 and it was a mock exercise to repulse not Israeli but Iranian armed forces. This was reported to have taken place between Oct 17 and Oct 21, under the command of the acting Saudi Aviation and Defense Minister his highness Prince Khalid ibn Sultan, son of Prince Sultan and half brother of Bandar ibn Sultan (both Bandar and Sultan are said to be recuperating from serious medical problems in Morocco, the first undergoing five medical procedures and the second fighting his last days against terminal illness. Saudi press reports said Bandar returned to the kingdom in mid-October).
And there you have it: the perfect alliance between kafirs and munafiqs in contravention of the ayah that instructs committed Muslims not to confederate their political and military secrets with Zionists and imperialists, “O You, who are firmly committed [to Allah’s power and authority]! Do not predicate al-Yahud and al-Nasara (politico-military Jews and Christians) as your superior allies…” (5:82).
- Terakhir….. sampai-sampai urusan haji Arab Saudi menyewa perusahaan sekuriti zionis G4S, silahkan baca surat terbuka “Friends Of Al Quds“ kepada Duta Besar Saudi Arabia di London.
FOA Open Letter to Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia on G4S
FOA Open Letter to Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia on G4S
NEWS / Posted by
Friends of Al-Aqsa /
Wednesday, 25th September, 2013
HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
30-32 Charles Street
Your Excellency,
We write this letter with concern following reports that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is using the global security company G4S to manage the annual Hajj crowds. This letter intends to draw your attention to some of G4S's activities, which we hope will make you reconsider working with them. Primarily, G4S has for many years been profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.
G4S provides a number of services to Israel including managing military checkpoints and the detention and imprisonment of Palestinians. Checkpoints are a daily misery for Palestinians, and these are intended to oppress them, denying them free movement including access to schools, hospitals and places of worships. It also helps provide Israel with complete power and control over the population. By providing such services, G4S is directly complicit in the oppression and subjugation of the Palestinian people and has been the target of global boycott campaigns as a result.
G4S claims it intends to end these contracts in the West Bank however, as confirmed by the UN Rapporteur for Human Rights in the OPT Richard Falk, G4S will remain complicit in the oppression of Palestinians for its role in running Israeli jails where Palestinians are held, some without charge or trial; while others face torture. In effect G4S is the instrument through which Israel routinely breaks international laws and Conventions where Palestinian detainees are concerned. One especially disturbing aspect of the Israeli prison system managed by G4S is the high numbers of Palestinian child prisoners held in adult prisons.
These facts cannot be ignored and by continuing with this contract with G4S, Saudi Arabia will be sending a message that it is indifference to the plight of the Palestinians. It would also mean that international calls being made to boycott G4S are being ignored by Saudi and thus raise questions about the seriousness with which Saudi views the Israeli occupation of the Holy Al-Aqsa and Palestine. Across the world, G4S has been the target of boycott campaigns for its role in sustaining the Israeli occupation and a number of entities have taken the principled action of ended their contracts with G4S, including the European Union and the University of Oslo, among others.
We hope that you will heed the call being made in this letter, and take the case up within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the appropriate authorities. For those who are guardians of the Haram al-Sharif in Makkah and Masjid An-Nabawi in Medina; I'm sure you will agree that granting G4S a contract to manage one of the most spiritual journeys that Muslims undertake is unacceptable. We therefore call for Saudi Arabia to immediately end its contracts with G4S and send a strong message that it will not work with companies directly complicit in the occupation.
Yours faithfully,
Ismail Patel
Chair, Friends of Al-Aqsa
FOA is a UK based NGO registered with UN Network of Civil Society Organisations on the Questions of Palestine
HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf Al Saud
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
30-32 Charles Street
Your Excellency,
We write this letter with concern following reports that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is using the global security company G4S to manage the annual Hajj crowds. This letter intends to draw your attention to some of G4S's activities, which we hope will make you reconsider working with them. Primarily, G4S has for many years been profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.
G4S provides a number of services to Israel including managing military checkpoints and the detention and imprisonment of Palestinians. Checkpoints are a daily misery for Palestinians, and these are intended to oppress them, denying them free movement including access to schools, hospitals and places of worships. It also helps provide Israel with complete power and control over the population. By providing such services, G4S is directly complicit in the oppression and subjugation of the Palestinian people and has been the target of global boycott campaigns as a result.
G4S claims it intends to end these contracts in the West Bank however, as confirmed by the UN Rapporteur for Human Rights in the OPT Richard Falk, G4S will remain complicit in the oppression of Palestinians for its role in running Israeli jails where Palestinians are held, some without charge or trial; while others face torture. In effect G4S is the instrument through which Israel routinely breaks international laws and Conventions where Palestinian detainees are concerned. One especially disturbing aspect of the Israeli prison system managed by G4S is the high numbers of Palestinian child prisoners held in adult prisons.
These facts cannot be ignored and by continuing with this contract with G4S, Saudi Arabia will be sending a message that it is indifference to the plight of the Palestinians. It would also mean that international calls being made to boycott G4S are being ignored by Saudi and thus raise questions about the seriousness with which Saudi views the Israeli occupation of the Holy Al-Aqsa and Palestine. Across the world, G4S has been the target of boycott campaigns for its role in sustaining the Israeli occupation and a number of entities have taken the principled action of ended their contracts with G4S, including the European Union and the University of Oslo, among others.
We hope that you will heed the call being made in this letter, and take the case up within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the appropriate authorities. For those who are guardians of the Haram al-Sharif in Makkah and Masjid An-Nabawi in Medina; I'm sure you will agree that granting G4S a contract to manage one of the most spiritual journeys that Muslims undertake is unacceptable. We therefore call for Saudi Arabia to immediately end its contracts with G4S and send a strong message that it will not work with companies directly complicit in the occupation.
Yours faithfully,
Ismail Patel
Chair, Friends of Al-Aqsa
FOA is a UK based NGO registered with UN Network of Civil Society Organisations on the Questions of Palestine
Dari semua latar belakang tersebut jelas sekali bahwa Arab Saudi diakuai
ataupun tidak sangat ngebet bersama zionis untuk menghancurkan
“Republik Islam Iran”, jadi nggak heran jika mereka bekerjasama dalam
hal ini, apalagi mereka sudah mengkafirkan syiah, dan sudah di amini
oleh misionaris-misionaris salafy-wahabi lokal disini yang mengatakan
bahwa syiah lebih berbahaya dari zionis, darah mereka halal ( )
التاريخ : 2013-04-25
رجل دين سعودي يدعو إلى قتل النساء والأطفال الشيعة
أخبار البلد
دعا رجل دين سعودي من وصفهم بالمجاهدين في العراق إلى قتل النساء والأطفال الشيعة لإيقاع مزيد من الرعب في أوساط العراقيين.
وقال الدكتور سعد الدريهم عضو هيئة التدريس بجامعة الإمام محمد بن
سعود الإسلامية في تغريدة عبر حسابه في تويتر "لو مارس المجاهدون في العراق
الغلظة والقتل حتى فيمن وقع أسيرا حتى لو كان طفلا أو امرأة لهابهم
وواجه الدريهم اثر هذه التغريدة سيلا من الانتقادات الحادة تحت وسم فتح خصيصا بعنوان #المجرم_سعد_الدريهم .
وقال الكاتب الصحافي السعودي محمد العمر عبر حسابه في تويتر "المجرم
سعد الدريهم يأمر بقتل أطفال ونساء الشيعة ضارباً عرض الحائط بوصية الرسول
عليه السلام وأبو بكر للمجاهدين".
وقال عبد العزيز الزهراني وهو خريج كلية أصول الدين مخاطبا الدريهم
"نبي الرحمة لم يقتل أطفال و نساء اليهود..! فقولوا لمن بدَّل و غيَّر:
سُحقا سُحقا".
الكاتب بصحيفة المدينة سعود كاتب من جهته هاجم الدريهم بالقول "اشهد
الله ان اكثر من اساء لدين الاسلام ليس اليهود ولا النصارى اوالمجوس ولكن
امثال هذا المتطرف المتعطش للقتل وسفك الدماء.
وتساءل الكاتب في صحيفة عكاظ عبدالله بن بخيت "هل يترك هذا الرجل دون محاسبة الم ننبه ان الارهابيين مازالوا يعششون في المملكة".
ودعت الكاتبة في صحيفة الوطن حليمة مظفر إلى محاكمة الدريهم وابعاده عن ممارسة التدريس في الجامعة.
ودعت مظفر وزارة الداخلية إلى محاسبة الدريهم قائلة "هكذا فكر سبب للإرهاب والجرائم التي ترتكب باسم الدين العظيم".
وقالت عبر حسابها في تويتر "المجرم سعد الدريهم بعد هذه التغريدة
المتطرفة التي يطالب فيها بقتل النساء والأطفال لأنهم مخالفين بالمذهب
أطالب بإيقافه عن التدريس الجامعي".
من جهته وصف الكاتب في صحيفة الرياض يوسف أبا الخيل الدريهم بالقول
"صاحب هذا الكلام الخطير إذ نزع الله الإيمان من قلبه، فقد نزع منه الرحمة
التي تتراحم بها حتى الدواب والهوام وخشاش الأرض".
وقالت الكاتبة سمر المقرن "تويتر كشف كمية العنف والتحريض التي كانت متوارية خلف جدران الجامعات وتصب في عقول أبنائنا".
وسبق للدريهم أن أثار زوبعة في يوليو الماضي حين خصّ أهل نجد
وعلماءها بوصف الفرقة الناجية مستثنيا باقي المسلمين في العالم من دخول
lalu apa yang harus ditutupi tentang hubungan haram zionis dan Dinasti Al saud yang wahabi-salafy ini? Bukankah ini demi menghancurkan musuh bersama mereka Iran yang syiah itu? Bukankah Arab Saudi dan negara-negara Arab antek Amerika dan Zionis itu telah pernah mengeroyok Iran begitu Republik Islam Iran diproklamirkan dalam perang Iran-Irak (September 1980 – Agustus 1988) guna memuluskan hegomoni Amerika, Zionis dan Barat di Timur Tengah? Bukankah mereka masih mendendam untuk menjatuhkan rezim Islam di Iran? Lalu apa tujuan negara-negara Arab boneka Amerika/Zionis itu khususnya Dinasti Al Saud menyediakan negaranya sebagai tempat pangkalan-pangkalan militer Amerika? apakah untuk menyerang Israel guna membebaskan Al Quds dan Palestina? atau menggulingkan Republik Islam Iran? hanya salafy-wahabi yang tidak faham akan hal ini!
Pangkalan Militer Amerika Di Arab Saudi
Kasihan para salafy-wahabi (khususnya
jihadis) tidak sadar-sadar (dan sepertinya tidak akan sadar, karena hati
mereka telah tertutup oleh kebencian dan kefanatikan) bahwa mereka
telah dipakai oleh negeri 1001 muthowek bayaran para amir (Arab Saudi
antek amerika/zionis) untuk ber’jihad” di negara-negara Islam (bukan di
Palestina) demi memuluskan proyek dan agenda zionis, Amerika dan Barat
di Timur Tengah, mengamankan Israel dan selanjutnya mereka terus
menguasai kekayaan sumber-sumber alam negara-negara Islam mulai
Afghanistan hingga Timur Tengah. Setelah Afghanistan Irak, Libya mereka
hancurkan dengan menggunakan tangan para jihadis salafy-wahabi ini,
sekarang Suriah dan Yaman mereka garap dan segala fitnah mereka tebar.
Mantan Konsul Jenderal Israel di New York menunjukkan kegembiraannya arab/Islam baku bunuh di Suriah:
“Dalam permainan playoff anda perlu kedua tim kalah, dan anda tidak ingin salah satunya menang, kami puas dengan ini” kata Alon Pinkas mantan Konsul Jenderal Israel di New York. “Biarkan mereka berdarah-darah (saling bunuh) sampai mati, itu pemikiran strategis disini, selama ini berlangsung (saling bunuh di Suriah) maka tidak ada ancaman nyata (bagi Israel) dari Suriah.
baca selengkapnya di:
Israel Backs Limited Strike Against Syria
Ilia Yefimovich/Getty Images
Israeli soldiers conducted a military exercise in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights, near the border with Syria.
JERUSALEM — President Obama’s position on Syria — punish President
Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons without seeking to force him
from power — has been called “half-pregnant” by critics at home and
abroad who prefer a more decisive American intervention to end Syria’s
civil war.
But Mr. Obama’s limited strike proposal has one crucial foreign ally: Israel.
Israeli officials have consistently made the case that enforcing Mr.
Obama’s narrow “red line” on Syria is essential to halting the nuclear
ambitions of Israel’s archenemy, Iran. More quietly, Israelis have
increasingly argued that the best outcome for Syria’s
two-and-a-half-year-old civil war, at least for the moment, is no
For Jerusalem, the status quo, horrific as it may be from a humanitarian
perspective, seems preferable to either a victory by Mr. Assad’s
government and his Iranian backers or a strengthening of rebel groups,
increasingly dominated by Sunni jihadis.
“This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but
at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie,” said Alon
Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York. “Let them both
bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here. As long
as this lingers, there’s no real threat from Syria.”
The synergy between the Israeli and American positions, while not
explicitly articulated by the leaders of either country, could be a
critical source of support as Mr. Obama seeks Congressional approval for
surgical strikes in Syria. Some Republicans have pushed him to
intervene more assertively to tip the balance in the Syrian conflict,
while other politicians from both parties are loath to involve the
United States in another Middle Eastern conflict on any terms.
But Israel’s national security concerns have broad, bipartisan support
in Washington, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the
influential pro-Israel lobby in Washington, weighed in Tuesday in
support of Mr. Obama’s approach. The group’s statement said nothing,
however, about the preferred outcome of the civil war, instead saying
that America must “send a forceful message” to Iran and Hezbollah and
“take a firm stand that the world’s most dangerous regimes cannot obtain
and use the most dangerous weapons.”
After years of upheaval in the Middle East and tension between Mr. Obama
and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, the two leaders are
now largely in sync on how to handle not just Syria, but also Egypt. Mr.
Obama has not withheld American aid to Egypt after the military-backed
ouster of the elected Islamist government, while Israel strongly backs
the Egyptian military as a source of stability.
On Syria, in fact, Israel pioneered the kind of limited strike Mr. Obama
is now proposing: four times this year, it has bombed convoys of
advanced weapons it suspected were being transferred to Hezbollah, the
Lebanese Shiite militia that Israel considers a major threat.
It has otherwise been content to watch the current stalemate in Syria
pull in what it considers a range of enemies: not only the Syrian Army
and Iran, but also Hezbollah, which has thousands of fighters engaged on
the battlefronts in Syria, and Sunni Islamists aligned against them.
Though Syria and Israel have technically been at war for more than 40
years, the conflict in Syria is now viewed mainly through the prism of
Iran. A prolonged conflict is perceived as hurting Iran, which finances
Mr. Assad’s war effort. Whether Mr. Obama follows through on his promise
to retaliate for the use of chemical weapons is a test of his
commitment, ultimately, to prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb — as long as
the retaliation does not become a full-scale intervention in Syria.
“If it’s Iran-first policy, then any diversion to Syria is not
fruitful,” said Aluf Benn, editor of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
“From the Israeli point of view, the worst scenario is mission-creep in
Syria and America gets entangled in a third war in the Middle East,
which paralyzes its ability to strike Iran and limits Israel’s ability
to strike Iran as well.”
This spring, when an Israeli official called for an international
response to what he said were earlier Syrian chemical attacks, he was
muzzled and reprimanded for appearing to pressure the White House. Now,
said Eyal Zisser, a historian at Tel Aviv University who specializes in
the region, “it’s clear that Israel does not want to appear as somebody
that is pushing the United States for a deep involvement.”
There are significant differences between Israel and the United States
on Syria. There was widespread criticism here of Mr. Obama’s decision to
delay responding to the chemical attack, with the quote “When you have
to shoot, shoot, don’t talk” from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”
becoming a common refrain. One Israeli dentist even took out a large
newspaper ad promoting his implant services with a picture of Mr. Obama
captioned, “He doesn’t have teeth?”
There has also been a broader debate about how best to respond to the war in Syria.
When the uprising began, many here saw Mr. Assad, who like his
predecessor and father had maintained quiet on the border, as “the devil
you know,” and therefore preferable to the rebels, some of whom were
aligned with Al Qaeda or Sunni militants like the Palestinian Hamas
As the death toll has mounted, more Israelis joined a camp led by Amos
Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, who argues that
the devil you know is, actually, a devil who should be ousted sooner
rather than later.
That split remains. But as hopes have dimmed for the emergence of a
moderate, secular rebel force that might forge democratic change and
even constructive dialogue with Israel, a third approach has gained
traction: Let the bad guys burn themselves out.
“The perpetuation of the conflict is absolutely serving Israel’s
interest,” said Nathan Thrall, a Jerusalem-based analyst for the International Crisis Group.
Tamara Cofman Wittes, director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy
at the Brookings Institution, was one of several experts who said this
view differs from the callous “let them all kill each other” shrug
popular here during the long-running Iran-Iraq war. Rather, Ms. Wittes
said, the reasoning behind a strike that would not significantly change
the Syrian landscape is that the West needs more time to prop up
opposition forces it finds more palatable and prepare them for future
She cited dangers for Israel if the conflict continues to drag on,
including more efforts to transfer advanced weapons to Hezbollah,
instability in Lebanon and pressure on Jordan.
Despite those threats, Matthew Levitt, who studies the region at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said Jerusalem and Washington essentially agree that “right now, there’s no good way for this war to end.”
Israeli leaders “want Assad to be punished; they’d like it to be
punishing enough that it actually makes a difference in the war but not
so much that it completely takes him out,” Mr. Levitt said. “The
Israelis do not think the status quo is tenable either, but they think
the status quo right now is better than the war ending tomorrow, because
the war ending tomorrow could be much worse. There’s got to be a
tomorrow, day-after plan.”
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: September 7, 2013
An article on Friday about Israel’s support for President Obama’s proposal for a limited strike against Syria misstated the former position of Amos Yadlin, who argues that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, should be ousted sooner rather than later. He was the head of Israeli military intelligence, not the director of the Mossad intelligence agency.
Makanya Israel terlibat di Suriah dan
melakukan beberapa kali pemboman guna mendukung para jihadis
wahabi-salafy yang direkrut dari seluruh dunia termasuk dari Indonesia.
Teroris Indonesia Terlibat Di Suriah.
Diterbitkan tanggal 12 Apr 2013
اتحاد القنوات السورية على اليوتيوب
الصفحة الداعمة للسيد الرئيس بشار الأسد,شبكة منقول الإخبارية,شبكة اخبار طرطوس,شبكة شام المؤيدة,شبكة أخبار حمص,حلب نيوز،من أجلك سوريا الأسد،جنود الأسد، السوريون على اليوتيوب,
الصفحة الداعمة للسيد الرئيس بشار الأسد,شبكة منقول الإخبارية,شبكة اخبار طرطوس,شبكة شام المؤيدة,شبكة أخبار حمص,حلب نيوز،من أجلك سوريا الأسد،جنود الأسد، السوريون على اليوتيوب,
The Truth about Syria
Kenapa mereka tidak sadar-sadar bahwa mereka dipakai? mulai Perang Afghanistan, Iran-Irak, sekarang Suriah dan Yaman. Bukankah korban peperangan tersebut yang jutaan jumlahnya adalah Umat Islam baik suni maupun syiah, bahkan mayoritasnya adalah suni, juga non muslim dan warga sipil lainnya yang tak berdosa?
Hanya orang idiot dan fanatik saja yang
tidak percaya hubungan mesra Arab Saudi dan Zionis ini !! apalagi berita
terakhir terkait hubungan Saudi-Zionis ini disebutkan bahwa agen
rahasia Israel berkunjung ke Arab Saudi untuk inspeksi pangkalan militer
negara itu guna persipan serangan ke Iran baca:
Officals: Israelis in secret trip to inspect Saudi bases. Could be used as staging ground for strikes against Iran
Karenanya kita di Indonesia harus
berhati-hati jangan terpancing isu-isu dan fitnah yang disebarkan oleh
da’i dan misionaris salafy-wahabi bayaran Dinasti Al Saud untuk memecah
belah umat Islam dengan fitnah-fitnah sektarian dan permusuhan antar
mazhab di negara tercinta NKRI ini, jangan jadikan Indonesia porak
poranda seperti Timur Tengah, jangan biarkan mereka mengimpor konflik
Timur Tengah ke negara kita, ujung-ujungnya nanti yang rugi kita sendiri
baik itu muslim atau non muslim, baik itu sunni maupun syiah dan
mazhab-mazhab lainnya. lebih lengkapnya tentang hal ini ada baiknya anda
mengikuti tulisan-tulisan blogger KabarIslam yang banyak mengamati tentang hal ini:
Selanjutnya kunjungi saja blog tersebut
Serang Iran, Arab Saudi Ajak Kerjasama Zionis Israel.
SUMBER: (Media Salafy)
– Para pejabat Saudi mengaku melakukan langkah darurat dengan mengajak
kerjasama Intelijen Israel, Mossad Israel, untuk menyerang Iran jika
Iran tidak menghentikan program nuklirnya.
Seperti yang dilansir oleh The Sunday
Time, Saudi Arabia setuju memberikan fasilitas udaranya digunakan oleh
Israel untuk menyerang negara syiah Iran. Saudi juga siap membantu
Israel untuk menyerang Iran dengan menggunakan drone (pesawat tanpa
awak), helikopter dan lain lain.
“Saudi bersedia secara tulus untuk membantu Israel dalam melawan Iran” ungkap laporan dari The Sunday Time.
Apakah aneh jika Arab Saudi melakukan
kerjasama dengan Israel yang notabene merupakan musuh bersama umat
Islam? Tidak, karena beberapa tahun terakhir, Arab Saudi bahkan mengekor
kepada Amerika. Jika kepada Amerika saja menurut, apalagi kepada Israel
yang merupakan saudara kembar Amerika.
- Arab Saudi Izinkan Israel Memasuki Wilayah Udaranya untuk Serang Iran
- Israel dan Arab Saudi akan Bekerjasama Menyerang Iran
- Saudi siap dukung Israel serang Iran
Pangeran Saudi Al Walid bin Talal: Arab Saudi Dukung Serangan Zionis Israel Atas Iran !!
Pangeran Dinasty Wahabi-Salafy Walid bin Talal dan Raja Media Zionis Rupert Murdoch
Seperti di lansir media lokal dan internasional beberapa waktu yang lalu bahwa Arab Saudi akan membantu dan bekerjasama dengan negara zionis untuk menyerang Iran. Kini ponakan sang raja Al Walid bin Talal yang telah bekerja sama dalam bidang media dengan Zionis Rupert Murdoch dalam wawancaranya dengan jurnalis Jeffrey Goldberg ia terang-terang mengatakan:
“السعودية والدول العربية والمسلمين السنة يؤيدون شنّ عدوان إسرائيلي على إيران لتدمير برنامجها النووي”، وهم إن “لم يعلنوا ذلك، سيؤيدونه ويدعمونه في اللقاءات السرّية”، مشدّداً على أن “العرب يعتبرون أن التهديد يأتيهم من إيران وليس من إسرائيل”
“Arab Saudi, negara Arab dan muslim sunni mendukung serangan Israel atas Iran untuk menghancurkan proyek nuklir Iran”, dan mereka “jika tidak menyatakannya secara terang-terangan mereka akan mendukungnya dalam pertemuan-pertemuan rahasia” dan ditekankan bahwa “Arab menganggap sejatinya ancaman datangnya dari Iran bukan dari Israel”
baca pernyataan lengkapnya itu dalam media arab disini:
dan disini:
Sementara wawancara aslinya dengan wartawan Jeffrey Goldberg lengkapnya baca disini:
Al Walid bin Talal Al Saud.
Dalam wawancara tersebut Amir
Wahabi-Salafy al Saud ini mengakui bahwa Arab (tentunya Arab Saudi)
melakukan hubungan gelap dengan negeri zionis.
“jika tidak menyatakannya secara terang-terangan mereka akan mendukungnya dalam pertemuan-pertemuan rahasia”
Sementara Al Walid juga mengakui bahwa musuh Arab Saudi bukanlah Zionis Israel melainkan Iran
“Arab menganggap ancaman sejatinya datang dari Iran bukan dari Israel”
Maka Jelas sudah bahwa Israel bukan musuh
Arab Saudi melainkan Iran dan Syiah-lah musuhnya. Karena itu umat
Islam janganlah sekali-kali tertipu para ustad dan da’i/misionaris
Salafy-Wahabi lokal patron Dinasty Wahabi-Salafy Al Saud, jika mereka
gembar-gembor berpropaganda untuk berjihad melawan Israel membebaskan
Palestina…. ujung-ujungnya anda akan dibawah berjihad demi proyek
sekutunya zionis Israel dan Amerika dan lagi-lagi muslimin sendiri yang
bakal dibantai bukan Zionis Israel.
Al Walid juga membajak nama Ahlussunnah
dan Arab, ia katakan bahwa Arab dan muslim Ahlussunnah menganggap syiah
dan Iran adalah musuh mereka. Bagaimana ia bisa berpendapat seperti itu
sementara Ahlussunnah sendiri yakni pengikut Asya’irah dan Maturidi
mereka cap sesat dan bukan bagian dari Ahlussunnah apalagi Mu’tazilah,
jadi jelas yang ia maksud dengan Ahlussunnah adalah pengikut sekte
Salafy-Wahabi, pengikut Ibnu Abdul Wahab dan Ibnu Taimiyah, mereka hanya
membajak nama Ahlussunnah untuk menipu awam..!
Bagaimana ia bisa mengklaim bahwa
Ahlussunnah memusuhi syiah dan Iran sementara mayoritas Ahlussunnah
tidak mengkafirkan Syiah, Al Azhar dibawah Syekh Syaltut sampai sekarang
tetap berfatwa bahwa syiah bagian dari umat Islam, begitu juga tokoh
dan pimpinan ormas Islam besar Indonesia mulai NU dan Muhammadiyah tidak
perah mengeluarkan fatwa syiah sesat atau kafir! Bahkan Hasyim Muzadi
(NU), Din Syamsudi (Muhammadiyah) dan termasuk Raja Saudi Abdullah,
ulama Saudi Syekh Mani’ dan lebih dari 500 ulama, ikut menandatangani RISALAH AMMAN
yang menyatakan bahwa mazhab-mazhab Hanafi, Syafi’i, Maliki, Hanbali,
mazhab Syi’ah Ja’fariyyah dan Zaidiyyah, serta madzhab Ibadhiyyah dan
madzhab Dzahiriyyah adalah Muslim.
Tentang Risalah Amman Silahkan buka link dibawah ini:
Bagaimana juga Amir Salafy Wahabi Al
Walid ini mengklaim bahwa negara Arab menganggap Republik Islam Iran dan
Syiah sebagai musuh dan bukanya Israel, sementara mayoritas
negara-negara Arab tetap mengadakan hubungan baik dengan Republik Islam
Sekali lagi pernyataan pangeran ponakan
Raja Abdullah Al Saud ini telah membuka kedok bahwa negerinya Arab
Saudi adalah kawan dan sekutu sejati zionis Israel !!
Terakhir Pangeran Wahabi Al Walid memberi nasehat kepada Israel:
ونصح الوليد بن طلال اسرائيل بتسهيل عملية السلام مع الفلسطينيين “لأن ذلك سيساعدنا في عزل إيران، وإضعاف حزب الله
Al Walid menasehati Israel agar mempermudah usaha perdamaian dengan Palestina karena hal itu akan membantu kita mengucilkan Iran, dan memperlemah Hizbullah
Lengkap sudah statement Pangeran Dinasty
Wahabi Salafy ini akan sikapnya dan sikap negaranya terhadap Hizbullah..
anehnya para da’i dan misionaris salafy-wahabi lokal selalu
teriak-teriak bahwa Hizbullah sebenarnya adalah yahudi dan perangnya
dengan Israel adalah sandiwara… suatu lelucon yang tidak lucu yang
dilahap mentah-mentah oleh awam salafy-wahabi yang telah dicuci otaknya
oleh para masyaik dan muthowek wahabi… Jika benar Hizbullah adalah
zionis yahudi lalu kenapa Amir Wahabi ini dan negaranya geram dan
bernafsu bekerjasama dengan zionis untuk hancurkan dan mengucilkan Iran
serta melemahkan Hizbullah musuh Israel ini?!
Sekali lagi Abu Salafy ingatkan agar umat
Islam tidak termakan fitnah perpecahan mazhab dan sektarian oleh
da’i/misionaris salafy-wahabi.
Tidak cukupkah kita dipakai oleh mereka
dalam Perang Iran-Irak yang korbannya satu juta manusia lebih terdiri
dari syiah dan sunni, setelah dipakai Saddam pun dikeroyok dan dibunuh
oleh koalisi Barat dan Arab yang dimotori Arab Saudi. Setelah itu Lybia
dihancurkan dan Muammar Qaddafy dibunuh juga, dan sekarang Yaman dan
Suriah digarap, ratusan ribu umat Islam menjadi korban baik sunni maupun
syiah, bukankah makin banyak negara Islam hancur dan lemah khususnya
yang berbatasan dengan Israel makin bertambah amanlah Israel, dan makin
tertindaslah bangas Palestina?!!
Sekali lagi waspadalah umat Islam akan isu-isu dan fitnah murahan mereka untuk menghancurkan kesatuan umat!!
Biar tidak dianggap mengada-ada saya copas berita pernyataan Walid bin Talal diatas:
الوليد بن طلال: السعودية تؤيد ضربة إسرائيلية لإيران.. ونعم لإضعاف حزب اللهاعلن الأمير السعودي طلال بن عبد العزيز إن “السعودية والدول العربية والمسلمين السنة يؤيدون شنّ عدوان إسرائيلي على إيران”. وأكّد أن “السنّة سيؤيدون العدوان لأنهم يعارضون الشيعة وإيران”. وعنّف الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما على تردّده تجاه سوريا، وتخاذله أمام ايران.
اضاف في مقابلة معه أجراها الصحافي جيفري غولدبيرغ لشبكة “بلومبيرغ” الاقتصادية، أن “السعودية والدول العربية والمسلمين السنة يؤيدون شنّ عدوان إسرائيلي على إيران لتدمير برنامجها النووي”، وهم إن “لم يعلنوا ذلك، سيؤيدونه ويدعمونه في اللقاءات السرّية”، مشدّداً على أن “العرب يعتبرون أن التهديد يأتيهم من إيران وليس من إسرائيل”.
ووجّه الأمير السعودي انتقادات لاذعة الى الرئيس الأميركي الذي “أصبح لعبة في يد إيران، الى درجة يخجل منها رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو”، بحسب الصحافي الأميركي، قال الوليد: “نحن وإسرائيل معنيون بهذه المسألة وقلقون منها، القادة في إسرائيل كما هو حال القادة في السعودية، يتوجّسون من تنامي انحياز أوباما لإيران، بحيث يحتاج إلى أسابيع قليلة ويعلن موافقته على السماح لها بصناعة القنبلة النووية”.
وأعرب الوليد عن اعتقاده بأن “ايران ستغتنم الفرصة في مفاوضاتها الجارية مع القوى العظمى، وتحصل على قرار برفع العقوبات عنها بشكل جزئي، من دون أن تلتزم إنهاء برنامجها النووي”، معتبراً أن “الضغوطات عليها يجب أن تستمر”.
ورأى الامير السعودي في الرئيس الأميركي “رجلاً يواجه مشكلة سياسية كبيرة، ويحتاج إلى تحقيق أي نصر كي ينجح في إصلاح مسار رئاسته”. ورأى أن “الرئيس القوي يجب أن يكون لديه الجرأة ليقول لا لصفقة معيبة مع إيران”.
وفي سياق التقرير ذكّر غولدبيرغ بأن “الوليد ليس مسؤولاً رسمياً في المملكة، لكنه غالباً ما يرمي مواقف تكون بمثابة بالونات اختبار بالنيابة عن أفراد عائلته الذين يحكمون البلد، ولا يُمكنهم الإدلاء بها علناً”.
ولفت التقرير إلى أن الوليد “سخر من المكالمة الأولى التي تمّت بين الرئيس الإيراني حسن روحاني وأوباما، والتي هلّل لها الشعب الأميركي”، معتبراً أنها “لا تعني شيئاً”. وانتقد مرونة الرئيس الأميركي، قائلاً “هل تعتقدون أن السلاح الكيميائي لم يعُد موجوداً في سوريا”؟، وأضاف: “حتى لو وافقت سوريا على تسليم كل سلاحها الكيميائي، فمن صنعه أول مرّة سيُعيد تصنيعه مرة أخرى”. وأكد أنه “في الوقت الذي أبدى أوباما ترّدده تجاه ما حصل في سوريا، جزمت الدول العربية أنه لن يصمد في الملف الإيراني”.
ونصح الوليد بن طلال اسرائيل بتسهيل عملية السلام مع الفلسطينيين “لأن ذلك سيساعدنا في عزل إيران، وإضعاف حزب الله”.
تم النشر في: 11/29/13 10:39 صباحًا.
Sumber asli wawancara Al Walid:
Iran Is Playing Obama, Says Savvy Saudi Princeby Jeffrey GoldbergPrince Alwaleed bin Talal, the Saudi royal who seems to own most everything there is to own — a chunk of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, a piece of Twitter, all of Paris’s George V Hotel, the Savoy in London, and a Boeing 747 for his personal use — was sitting in the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago the other evening (he and Bill Gates own most of Four Seasons Holdings), offering up the view — the view of an experienced negotiator from the Middle East — that U.S. President Barack Obama is outmatched by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
“There’s no confidence in the Obama administration doing the right thing with Iran,” he told me, with a directness that would make Benjamin Netanyahu blush. “We’re really concerned — Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East countries — about this.”
It is quite something for a Saudi royal to state baldly that his country is part of a tacit alliance with Israel, but Saudi leaders, like Israel’s leaders, are frantic with worry that an overeager Obama will accede to Iran’s desire to become a threshold state, one whose nuclear program is so advanced that it would only need several weeks to assemble a deliverable weapon. Alwaleed, like Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, believes that Iran, in its ongoing negotiations with the world’s major powers, will pocket whatever sanctions relief it gets without committing to ending its nuclear program. “Why are they offering relief?” he asked. “Keep the pressure on. Sanctions are what brought about the negotiations to begin with! Why not keep the pressure up?”
Obama, Alwaleed says, is a man who is in desperate political straits and needs a victory — any victory — to right his presidency. “Obama is in so much of a rush to have a deal with Iran,” he said. “He wants anything. He’s so wounded. It’s very scary. Look, the 2014 elections are going to begin. Within two months they’re going to start campaigning. Thirty-nine members of his own party in the House have already moved away from him on Obamacare. That’s scary for him.”
Alwaleed believes a stronger president would have the willpower to say no to a flawed deal with Iran. Like the Israelis, the Saudis believe a flawed deal is one in which Iran isn’t forced to put its nuclear program in reverse, by shuttering facilities and mothballing centrifuges. (Alwaleed is not a Saudi government official, but he often floats trial balloons on behalf of the members of his family who rule his country, and they consider him free to make impolitic statements they believe but cannot publicly endorse).“This has been going on for 30 years plus, since the Iranian revolution in 1979,” he continued. “And his people bragged about the first call between President Obama and President Rouhani. But what does a call mean? It’s nothing.” He went on to condemn Obama for folding when confronted with proof that Syria, Iran’s proxy, used chemical weapons against civilians. Obama had previously warned Syria not to cross the red line he drew on the deployment of chemical weapons.
“When he put that red line out, and the red line was crossed, he blinks,” he said, going on to suggest that Obama is mistaken to believe that Syria will, in fact, ship out all of its chemical weapons, as it has agreed to do. “You think the chemicals are going to come out, one hundred percent? Come on. Even if he lets them go, the same people who produced them before will produce them again.” When Obama “blinked,” Alwaleed suggested, the Arabs came to the conclusion that he would not stand up to Iran, either.Alwaleed suggested that it may ultimately be the Iranian leadership itself that saves the day, by rejecting a compromise offer it sees as unacceptably tough — but one that Iran’s Israeli and Arab adversaries see as unacceptably accommodating. “You and I both know that the real power is with Khamenei” — Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader — “and not President Rouhani. There are two theories, one that that Rouhani sincerely wants to negotiate but he can’t give up this program, and the second theory, which is — come on, give me a break, they don’t want to do this. Either way, Khamenei is the real ruler.” He went on, “We just saw Khamenei issue an announcement saying to his own negotiators that before they go and talk they shouldn’t cross his own red lines.”If the negotiations don’t succeed — and clearly, Alwaleed sees no chance of success — then what? Anti-proliferation by force? I asked him if he thought the Arab states would actually back an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, if this terrible option should come to pass.
“Publicly, they would be against it,” he said. “Privately, they would love it.”What about at the level of the so-called Arab street?“The Sunnis will love it,” he said, referring to the dominant branch of Islam, to which most Arab Muslims adhere. “The Sunni Muslim is very much anti-Shiite, and very much anti-, anti-, anti-Iran,” he said.
You’re sure they loathe Iran more than they loathe Israel?“Look, Iran is a huge threat, historically speaking,” he said. “The Persian empire was always against the Muslim Arab empire, especially against the Sunnis. The threat is from Persia, not from Israel. This was a great empire ruling the whole neighborhood. I’ll tell you something — they are in Bahrain, they are in Iraq, they are in Syria, they are with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas, which is Sunni, in Gaza. They are intruding into these areas. King Abdullah of Jordan had a good statement on this — he said that a Shiite crescent begins from Iran, through Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and goes down to Palestine, to Hamas.”
Alwaleed, who spent much of our time together criticizing Obama, also reserved some criticism for Saudi Arabia’s Jewish ally. He said that if Netanyahu would make advances in the peace process with Palestinians, he would help marginalize Iran. “If you want to weaken Iran’s position in the Arab world, you should have peace with the Palestinians. This would help move Iran away from this issue. This is the heart of it. Hezbollah will not go away, but they will be weakened.”
This last piece of analysis made good sense to me. As for the rest of his analysis? It is easy to write-off Saudi fears of Iranian regional domination as part of an internecine Muslim struggle that is ultimately immaterial to the core national security interests of the U.S. On the other hand, countries that have had long and bitter experience with Iran might have something to teach American negotiators as they strive for a deal.
PM Israel Adakan Pertemuan Rahasia dengan Pemimpin Arab Saudi.
Raja Saudi Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Dengan George Bush Dan Presiden Cina Hu Jianto
Tel Aviv (ANTARA News) – Perdana
Menteri Israel Ehud Olmert bertemu secara rahasia dengan seorang pejabat
tinggi Arab Saudi, demikian dilaporkan Senin oleh harian Israel Yediot
Mengutip keterangan sejumlah pejabat
tinggi Israel, harian tersebut mengatakan pejabat tinggi Arab Saudi yang
bertemu secara rahasia dengan Olmert tidak menutup kemungkinan adalah
Raja Abdullah sendiri.
Harian itu juga mengatakan para nara
sumber Israel tidak bersedia menyebutkan lokasi pertemuan yang dikatakan
berlangsung 10 hari lalu.
Apabila hal itu benar maka pertemuan
tersebut merupakan pertemuan pertama kali antara Perdana menteri Israel
dengan seorang pejabat tinggi Arab Saudi.
Selanjutnya Harian Yediot juga mengatakan
pembicaraan antara kedua pemimpin memusatkan kepada upaya perdamaian
yang digagas Arab saudi pada tahun 2002, saat berlangsungnya pertemuan
puncak negara-negara yang tergabung dalam Liga Arab di Beirut yang
mengusulkan agar dunia Arab mengakui eksistensi Israel sebagai imbalan
atas penarikan pemukim dan tentara Israel dari wilayah perbatasannya
yang berlangsung sejak 1967.
Kedua belah pihak juga dilaporkan membahas masalah program nuklir Iran, demikian dilaporkan Kantor Berita Jerman DPA.(*).
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