Rothschild / Crown Finger Prints On Panama Papers
Diposting pada 2016/04/06
2006-16 Panama – Bocas del Torro – The Starfish Cafe – rilis minggu ini dari The Panama Papers oleh Konsorsium Internasional of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) telah memicu badai geopolitik. Sumber datya tunggal sebesar 2,6 terabyte bocor dari perusahaan Panama Mossack Fonseca berisi lebih dari 11 juta catatan yang melibatkan pencucian uang narkoba dan penggelapan pajak kliennya.
Sementara media korporasi telah menggunakan informasi tersebut untuk menyerang musuh politik kartel perbankan internasional yang dipimpin Rothschild seperti Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin, pemimpin Libya almarhum Mohamar Qaddafi ( walau tak satu pun bahkan disebutkan dalam Papers), Presiden China Xi Jinping dan Bankster -jailing Perdana Menteri Islandia Sigmundur Davio Gunnlaugsson, klien lebih menarik secara alami diterbangkan bawah radar Pressitute.
Ini termasuk Presiden Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, Raja Saudi Salman, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) & Abu Dhabi Presiden Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Presiden Ukraina Petro Poroshenko, mantan Emir dari Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, dan kedua pelakon dan mantan perdana menteri Irak, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraina, Yordania, Qatar – semuanya adalah boneka dari Kota dipimpin Rothschild dari London banksters.
Ayah almarhum Perdana Menteri Inggris David Cameron juga tercantum.
Panama secara historis juga dimanfaatkan oleh para bankir internasional dan polisi militer intelijen Barat sebagai nexus di mana uang bisnis senjata, obat-obatan dan minyak dicuci ke greenbacks segar. Mossad Israel (seirama dengan Mossack) memiliki kehadiran besar di tangki septik ini sementara dolar AS cukup nyaman mata uang Panama.
Mossack Fonseca diluncurkan pada tahun 1986 oleh London School of Economics lulusan Ramon Fonseca dan Jurgen Mossack kelahiran Jerman, yang juga menghabiskan waktu bekerja di kalangan perbankan London.
Ayah Mossack adalah anggota dari Hitler Waffen-SS yang melarikan diri ke Panama, di mana ia kemudian menawarkan untuk memata-matai Kuba untuk CIA. Sampai baru-baru Fonseca pernah menjadi penasihat utama Presiden Panama Juan Carlos Varela.
Mossack bertugas di Conarex – cabang Panama dari Royal Institute Crown dikendalikan Urusan Internasional (RIIF) dari 2009-2014. Cabang AS adalah Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri.
Keduanya adalah anggota dari elit Panama berkulit putih yang secara historis melayani kepentingan British Crown / Rothschild.
Kehadiran mencolok dari Teluk raja dan fasis Ukraina di Panama Papers hanya dikalahkan oleh nama-nama namun lebih menarik dari sepuluh bank perantara yang Mossack Fonseca bekerja melalui menyiapkan rekening di luar negeri bayangan tersebut.
Sepuluh bank yang difasilitasi jaringan kriminal ini adalah sebagai berikut:
(1 Experta Perusahaan & Trust Services, entitas berbasis Luksemburg berputar off pada tahun 2002 dari Banque Internationale sebuah Luksemburg S.A. Luksemburg dikenal sebagai tempat bahkan bankir Swiss menyembunyikan uang mereka, karena hukum transparansi keuangan adalah yang paling buram di dunia.
(2 Banque J. Safra Sarasin Luksemburg S.A .. Keluarga Safra tua-line Lebanon Zionis dekat dengan Henry Kissinger. Mereka memiliki kotor American Express laundrymat.
(3 Credit Suisse Channel Islands Ltd, yang dibiayai penjarahan Rusia pada tahun 1998 dan yang beberapa telah terdaftar sebagai sumber utama pendanaan ISIS.
(4 HSBC Private Bank (Monaco) S.A.
HSBC: Dunia Terkotor Bank
(5 HSBC Private Bank (Swiss) S.A.
(6 UBS AG, (Union Bank of Switzerland), bank yang membeli Enron sebesar $ 0 pada lelang setelah mabuk, berkas itu kejahatan terbakar ketika WTC 7 dibawa turun.
(7 Coutts & Co Pengawas (Jersey) Ltd, yang merupakan repositori pribadi untuk keberuntungan besar dari House of Windsor.
(8 Societe Generale Bank & Trust Luksemburg, sebuah cabang dari raksasa Prancis Rothschild-dikendalikan ini – salah satu bank terbesar di dunia.
(9 Landsbanki Luksemburg S.A., dilikuidasi pada tahun 1993, meninggalkan deposan tidak curiga dalam kesukaran dan melibatkan koneksi mafia Luksemburg regulator perbankan ‘.
(10 Rothschild Kepercayaan Guernsey Ltd
calon presiden Demokrat Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) secara konsisten berjanji untuk menindak perbankan lepas pantai, dengan menggunakan miliaran dana pajak yang hilang kami akan kembali untuk mendanai gratis universitas kuliah umum untuk semua.
Sudah “Merasakan Bern” tentang masalah ini, Presiden Obama kemarin mengumumkan penutupan beberapa celah yang memungkinkan para elit AS dan perusahaan-perusahaan mereka untuk melompat-lompat dengan massa Rothschild di havens lepas pantai, sambil menghindari membayar pajak US.
Segar dari kemenangan besar di Wisconsin, Sanders sekarang menuju ke New York, di mana anjing Media lap oligarki global akan sekali lagi mencoba untuk kepala dia dari pada lulus terus berubah, karena mereka cemas menunggu sepatu sebelah penurunan data besar membuang yang Panama Papers.
Dean Henderson adalah penulis lima buku: Big Oil & Bankir mereka di Teluk Persia: Four Horsemen, Delapan Keluarga & mereka global Intelijen, Narkotika & Teror Jaringan, The Grateful Unrich: Revolusi di 50 Negara, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, stickin ‘ke Matrix & The federal Reserve Kartel. Anda dapat berlangganan gratis untuk mingguan kolom hook kiri nya @
Original Text:
Rothschild/Crown Finger Prints On Panama Papers
This week’s release of The Panama Papers by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has sparked a geopolitical firestorm. The single-source 2.6 terabyte leak from Panamanian firm Mossack Fonseca contains more than 11 million records involving client drug money laundering and tax evasion.
While the corporate media has used the information to attack political enemies of the Rothschild-led international banking cartel such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, deceased Libyan leader Mohamar Qaddafi (neither of whom are even mentioned in the Papers), Chinese President Xi Jinping and bankster-jailing Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur Davio Gunnlaugsson, the more interesting clientele have naturally flown below Pressitute radar.
These include Pakistan President Nawaz Sharif, Saudi King Salman, United Arab Emirates (UAE) & Abu Dhabi President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, and both acting and former prime ministers of Iraq, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Jordan, Qatar – all of whom are puppets of the Rothschild-led City of London banksters.
The late father of British Prime Minister David Cameron was also listed.
Panama has historically been well-utilized by the international bankers and their Western intelligence gendarmes as a nexus where guns, drugs and oil money are washed into fresh greenbacks. The Israeli Mossad (rhymes with Mossack) has a large presence in this cesspool while the US dollar is quite conveniently the currency of Panama.
Mossack Fonseca was launched in 1986 by London School of Economics graduate Ramon Fonseca and German-born Jurgen Mossack, who also spent time working in London’s banking circles.
Mossack’s father was a member of Hitler’s Waffen-SS who fled to Panama, where he later offered to spy on Cuba for the CIA. Until very recently Fonseca had been a top advisor to Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela.
Mossack served on Conarex – the Panama branch of the Crown-controlled Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIF) from 2009-2014. The US branch is the Council on Foreign Relations.
Both are members of the fair-skinned Panamanian elite which have historically served British Crown/Rothschild interests.
The conspicuous presence of Gulf monarchs and Ukrainian fascists in The Panama Papers is only upstaged by the yet more interesting names of the top ten intermediary banks which Mossack Fonseca worked through to set up these shadow offshore accounts.
The ten banks which facilitated this criminal network are as follows:
(1 Experta Corporate & Trust Services, a Luxembourg-based entity spun off in 2002 from Banque Internationale a Luxembourg S.A. Luxembourg is known as the place even Swiss bankers hide their money, as its financial transparency laws are among the most opaque in the world.
(2 Banque J. Safra Sarasin Luxembourg S.A.. The Safra family are old-line Lebanese Zionists close to Henry Kissinger. They own the dirty American Express laundrymat.
(3 Credit Suisse Channel Islands Ltd., which financed the looting of Russia in 1998 and which some have listed as the main source of ISIS funding.
(4 HSBC Private Bank (Monaco) S.A.
HSBC: The World’s Dirtiest Bank
(5 HSBC Private Bank (Swiss) S.A.
(6 UBS AG, (Union Bank of Switzerland), the bank which bought Enron for $0 at auction after it tanked, it’s dossier of crimes burned when WTC 7 was brought down.
(7 Coutts & Co. Trustees (Jersey) Ltd., which is the private repository for the immense fortune of the House of Windsor.
(8 Societe Generale Bank & Trust Luxembourg, a branch of this Rothschild-controlled French behemoth – one of the world’s largest banks.
(9 Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A., liquidated in 1993, leaving unsuspecting depositors in the lurch and implicating Luxembourg banking regulators’ mafia connections.
(10 Rothschild Trust Guernsey Ltd.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has consistently promised to crack down on offshore banking, using the billions in lost tax proceeds we would regain to fund free public university tuition for all.
Already “Feeling the Bern” on this issue, President Obama yesterday announced the closing of some loopholes which allow the US elite and their corporations to cavort with the Rothschild mob in offshore havens, while avoiding paying US taxes.
Fresh off a big win in Wisconsin, Sanders now heads to New York, where the global oligarchy’s media lap dogs will once again try to head him off at the ever-shifting pass, as they anxiously await the next shoe to drop in the massive data dump that is The Panama Papers.
Dean Henderson is the author of five books:Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, Stickin’ it to the Matrix & The Federal Reserve Cartel. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column
Diposting pada 2016/04/06
2006-16 Panama – Bocas del Torro – The Starfish Cafe – rilis minggu ini dari The Panama Papers oleh Konsorsium Internasional of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) telah memicu badai geopolitik. Sumber datya tunggal sebesar 2,6 terabyte bocor dari perusahaan Panama Mossack Fonseca berisi lebih dari 11 juta catatan yang melibatkan pencucian uang narkoba dan penggelapan pajak kliennya.
Sementara media korporasi telah menggunakan informasi tersebut untuk menyerang musuh politik kartel perbankan internasional yang dipimpin Rothschild seperti Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin, pemimpin Libya almarhum Mohamar Qaddafi ( walau tak satu pun bahkan disebutkan dalam Papers), Presiden China Xi Jinping dan Bankster -jailing Perdana Menteri Islandia Sigmundur Davio Gunnlaugsson, klien lebih menarik secara alami diterbangkan bawah radar Pressitute.
Ini termasuk Presiden Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, Raja Saudi Salman, Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) & Abu Dhabi Presiden Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Presiden Ukraina Petro Poroshenko, mantan Emir dari Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, dan kedua pelakon dan mantan perdana menteri Irak, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraina, Yordania, Qatar – semuanya adalah boneka dari Kota dipimpin Rothschild dari London banksters.
Ayah almarhum Perdana Menteri Inggris David Cameron juga tercantum.
Panama secara historis juga dimanfaatkan oleh para bankir internasional dan polisi militer intelijen Barat sebagai nexus di mana uang bisnis senjata, obat-obatan dan minyak dicuci ke greenbacks segar. Mossad Israel (seirama dengan Mossack) memiliki kehadiran besar di tangki septik ini sementara dolar AS cukup nyaman mata uang Panama.
Mossack Fonseca diluncurkan pada tahun 1986 oleh London School of Economics lulusan Ramon Fonseca dan Jurgen Mossack kelahiran Jerman, yang juga menghabiskan waktu bekerja di kalangan perbankan London.
Ayah Mossack adalah anggota dari Hitler Waffen-SS yang melarikan diri ke Panama, di mana ia kemudian menawarkan untuk memata-matai Kuba untuk CIA. Sampai baru-baru Fonseca pernah menjadi penasihat utama Presiden Panama Juan Carlos Varela.
Mossack bertugas di Conarex – cabang Panama dari Royal Institute Crown dikendalikan Urusan Internasional (RIIF) dari 2009-2014. Cabang AS adalah Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri.
Keduanya adalah anggota dari elit Panama berkulit putih yang secara historis melayani kepentingan British Crown / Rothschild.
Kehadiran mencolok dari Teluk raja dan fasis Ukraina di Panama Papers hanya dikalahkan oleh nama-nama namun lebih menarik dari sepuluh bank perantara yang Mossack Fonseca bekerja melalui menyiapkan rekening di luar negeri bayangan tersebut.
Sepuluh bank yang difasilitasi jaringan kriminal ini adalah sebagai berikut:
(1 Experta Perusahaan & Trust Services, entitas berbasis Luksemburg berputar off pada tahun 2002 dari Banque Internationale sebuah Luksemburg S.A. Luksemburg dikenal sebagai tempat bahkan bankir Swiss menyembunyikan uang mereka, karena hukum transparansi keuangan adalah yang paling buram di dunia.
(2 Banque J. Safra Sarasin Luksemburg S.A .. Keluarga Safra tua-line Lebanon Zionis dekat dengan Henry Kissinger. Mereka memiliki kotor American Express laundrymat.
(3 Credit Suisse Channel Islands Ltd, yang dibiayai penjarahan Rusia pada tahun 1998 dan yang beberapa telah terdaftar sebagai sumber utama pendanaan ISIS.
(4 HSBC Private Bank (Monaco) S.A.
HSBC: Dunia Terkotor Bank
(5 HSBC Private Bank (Swiss) S.A.
(6 UBS AG, (Union Bank of Switzerland), bank yang membeli Enron sebesar $ 0 pada lelang setelah mabuk, berkas itu kejahatan terbakar ketika WTC 7 dibawa turun.
(7 Coutts & Co Pengawas (Jersey) Ltd, yang merupakan repositori pribadi untuk keberuntungan besar dari House of Windsor.
(8 Societe Generale Bank & Trust Luksemburg, sebuah cabang dari raksasa Prancis Rothschild-dikendalikan ini – salah satu bank terbesar di dunia.
(9 Landsbanki Luksemburg S.A., dilikuidasi pada tahun 1993, meninggalkan deposan tidak curiga dalam kesukaran dan melibatkan koneksi mafia Luksemburg regulator perbankan ‘.
(10 Rothschild Kepercayaan Guernsey Ltd
calon presiden Demokrat Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) secara konsisten berjanji untuk menindak perbankan lepas pantai, dengan menggunakan miliaran dana pajak yang hilang kami akan kembali untuk mendanai gratis universitas kuliah umum untuk semua.
Sudah “Merasakan Bern” tentang masalah ini, Presiden Obama kemarin mengumumkan penutupan beberapa celah yang memungkinkan para elit AS dan perusahaan-perusahaan mereka untuk melompat-lompat dengan massa Rothschild di havens lepas pantai, sambil menghindari membayar pajak US.
Segar dari kemenangan besar di Wisconsin, Sanders sekarang menuju ke New York, di mana anjing Media lap oligarki global akan sekali lagi mencoba untuk kepala dia dari pada lulus terus berubah, karena mereka cemas menunggu sepatu sebelah penurunan data besar membuang yang Panama Papers.
Dean Henderson adalah penulis lima buku: Big Oil & Bankir mereka di Teluk Persia: Four Horsemen, Delapan Keluarga & mereka global Intelijen, Narkotika & Teror Jaringan, The Grateful Unrich: Revolusi di 50 Negara, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, stickin ‘ke Matrix & The federal Reserve Kartel. Anda dapat berlangganan gratis untuk mingguan kolom hook kiri nya @
Original Text:
Rothschild/Crown Finger Prints On Panama Papers
This week’s release of The Panama Papers by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has sparked a geopolitical firestorm. The single-source 2.6 terabyte leak from Panamanian firm Mossack Fonseca contains more than 11 million records involving client drug money laundering and tax evasion.
While the corporate media has used the information to attack political enemies of the Rothschild-led international banking cartel such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, deceased Libyan leader Mohamar Qaddafi (neither of whom are even mentioned in the Papers), Chinese President Xi Jinping and bankster-jailing Icelandic Prime Minister Sigmundur Davio Gunnlaugsson, the more interesting clientele have naturally flown below Pressitute radar.
These include Pakistan President Nawaz Sharif, Saudi King Salman, United Arab Emirates (UAE) & Abu Dhabi President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, former Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, and both acting and former prime ministers of Iraq, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Jordan, Qatar – all of whom are puppets of the Rothschild-led City of London banksters.
The late father of British Prime Minister David Cameron was also listed.
Panama has historically been well-utilized by the international bankers and their Western intelligence gendarmes as a nexus where guns, drugs and oil money are washed into fresh greenbacks. The Israeli Mossad (rhymes with Mossack) has a large presence in this cesspool while the US dollar is quite conveniently the currency of Panama.
Mossack Fonseca was launched in 1986 by London School of Economics graduate Ramon Fonseca and German-born Jurgen Mossack, who also spent time working in London’s banking circles.
Mossack’s father was a member of Hitler’s Waffen-SS who fled to Panama, where he later offered to spy on Cuba for the CIA. Until very recently Fonseca had been a top advisor to Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela.
Mossack served on Conarex – the Panama branch of the Crown-controlled Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIF) from 2009-2014. The US branch is the Council on Foreign Relations.
Both are members of the fair-skinned Panamanian elite which have historically served British Crown/Rothschild interests.
The conspicuous presence of Gulf monarchs and Ukrainian fascists in The Panama Papers is only upstaged by the yet more interesting names of the top ten intermediary banks which Mossack Fonseca worked through to set up these shadow offshore accounts.
The ten banks which facilitated this criminal network are as follows:
(1 Experta Corporate & Trust Services, a Luxembourg-based entity spun off in 2002 from Banque Internationale a Luxembourg S.A. Luxembourg is known as the place even Swiss bankers hide their money, as its financial transparency laws are among the most opaque in the world.
(2 Banque J. Safra Sarasin Luxembourg S.A.. The Safra family are old-line Lebanese Zionists close to Henry Kissinger. They own the dirty American Express laundrymat.
(3 Credit Suisse Channel Islands Ltd., which financed the looting of Russia in 1998 and which some have listed as the main source of ISIS funding.
(4 HSBC Private Bank (Monaco) S.A.
HSBC: The World’s Dirtiest Bank
(5 HSBC Private Bank (Swiss) S.A.
(6 UBS AG, (Union Bank of Switzerland), the bank which bought Enron for $0 at auction after it tanked, it’s dossier of crimes burned when WTC 7 was brought down.
(7 Coutts & Co. Trustees (Jersey) Ltd., which is the private repository for the immense fortune of the House of Windsor.
(8 Societe Generale Bank & Trust Luxembourg, a branch of this Rothschild-controlled French behemoth – one of the world’s largest banks.
(9 Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A., liquidated in 1993, leaving unsuspecting depositors in the lurch and implicating Luxembourg banking regulators’ mafia connections.
(10 Rothschild Trust Guernsey Ltd.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has consistently promised to crack down on offshore banking, using the billions in lost tax proceeds we would regain to fund free public university tuition for all.
Already “Feeling the Bern” on this issue, President Obama yesterday announced the closing of some loopholes which allow the US elite and their corporations to cavort with the Rothschild mob in offshore havens, while avoiding paying US taxes.
Fresh off a big win in Wisconsin, Sanders now heads to New York, where the global oligarchy’s media lap dogs will once again try to head him off at the ever-shifting pass, as they anxiously await the next shoe to drop in the massive data dump that is The Panama Papers.
Dean Henderson is the author of five books:Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, Stickin’ it to the Matrix & The Federal Reserve Cartel. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column
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