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Huwaida Arraf, Pejuang Palestina

Written By Unknown on Sunday, 16 November 2014 | 00:25:00

Huwaida Arraf adalah duta Free Gaza Movement dan ini kali pertama dia ke Indonesia. Dalam jumpa persnya di kantor Voice of Palestine di bilangan Pasar Minggu, dia bicara banyak soal Palestina, soal kebejatan Israel dan soal misi FGM untuk menerobos blokade Israel atas Gaza dengan berperahu dari Siprus.

Acaranya memang kecil tapi Huwaida seorang pembicara yang baik. Tak ada nada ekstrim. Hanya paparan fakta yang merangsang kesadaran. Masalah Gaza adalah masalah kemanusiaan, katanya. Huwaida sendiri beragama Kristen dan ini cukup mengejutkan bagi sebagian yang hadir.

Seharian kemarian dia meladeni media, dari Indosiar, Republika hingga wartawan majalah Intelejen. Dia senang terlebih pada Harian Kompas. Raksasa media ini mengirim tiga wartawannya sekaligus (dari Kompas cetak, Kompas Online dan Maria Hartiningsih) dan ketiga-tiganya meminta waktu wawancara tambahan di luar konferensi pers.

Lalu ada pula yang membuat Huwaida berbunga-bunga: dalam konferensi pers kemarin, Direktur MER-C, dr. Joserisal Jurnalis, memberikan komitmennya untuk menyumbang sebuah kapal seharga $ 200.000. So, dalam misi internasional menerobos blokade Israel pada April nanti, akan ada bendera Merah Putih yang ikut berkibar di salah satu kapal. Bakal cukup membanggakan. Di luar Indonesia, Tun Mahathir Muhammad dari Malaysia lebih dulu mendonasikan tiga kapal, termasuk sebuah kapal cargo raksasa. Lalu ada pula Turki yang mendonasikan lima kapal.

Huwaida akan tinggal di Jakarta sampai Senin malam. Senin pagi tanggal 21 Feb., dia dapat slot wawancara di Metro TV, siang sedikit bertemu bos PMI yang baru, Jusuf Kalla.

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Huwaida Arraf

20 February 2010

I am here as a representative of the Free Gaza Movement, to discuss with you and hopefully to inspire you to support our efforts to break the Israeli siege of Gaza. However, it is important to keep in mind that what’s happening in Gaza is not independent of what’s happening in the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories. In the West Bank, Israel continues to confiscate and destroy Palestinian agricultural land, siphon water recources, build an Apartheid Wall, cutting people off from their families and their livelihoods. In Jerusalem, Israel continues to demolish Palestinian homes–there are currently 200 oustanding demolition orders for Palestinian homes–threaten the existance of Muslim holy sites, and deny Palestinians their rights to live in or even visit Jerusalem. Last year, the Israeli government stripped 4,577 Palestinian of their residency rights in Jerusalem. Where I am from, inside the 1948 borders, what is now the State of Israel, Palestinians continue to be discriminated againts in all areas because we are not Jewish. The struggle for justice in Palestine is one struggle. However, what is happening in Gaza is a crime againts humanity and no one is doing anything about it.

Many people, and the media had their eyes on Gaza last year during Operation Cast Lead, when Israel bombarded Gaza relentlessly, from air, sea and land, for 22 days. In three weeks Israel killed 1.419 Palestinians, 1.167 of them civilians, 326 of them children, and wounded over 5.300, and they destroyed thousands of homes, businesses, hospitals, schools, mosques, and clinics.

Today, bombs are not actively falling on Gaza, and so Gaza has fallen out of the media. However, the situation today is just as bad, if not worse, that it was this time last year, as Israel has kept Gaza almost completely sealed. Since 2006, Israel has been squeezing Gaza, severely restricting who and what goes in and out of the tiny strip of land, home to 1.5 million Palestinians. In June 2007 Israel instituted a near total closure on Gaza, decimating Gazas infrastructure and economy, leading to a sharp rise in unemployment, poverty, malnutrition and anemia. By May of 2008 the United National was reporting that 80% of the population of Gaza was food aid dependent andcould not survive without handouts from the UN. Then on December 27, 2008, Israel launced its massive assault, on an already very weakened population. After Israel declared a ceasefire on 18 January 2009, Israel did not open the borders of Gaza so that the people could start to rebuild their lives. Today Gaza remains sealed. Palestinians are denied permission to leave Gaza, even for education or medical purposes. In the past 3 years, over 360 patiens have died because they were not able to get the medical attention that they needed. Over 800 students that have scholarships to sutdy in different countries are trapped in Gaza. Israel tightly controls what enters Gaza. It only allows the UN to bring in trucks carrying intems limited to the basic good necessary for the survival of the population. Only 30-40 kinds of items are allowed to enter Gaza. Thousands of items are banned. Oxygen for hospitals, anaesthetics, generators, cancer treatment, baby formula, books, paper, ink, all of these things are banned. Even coffee and tea until last month was banned because Israel considered these a “luxury� that the people of Gaza don't need. There is a total ban on raw materials that would permit Gaza to engage in commerce and production.

Israel’s policy is not about security, but rather is aimed at punishing the people of Gaza. Collective punishment is a violation of international humanitarian law, but who is doing anything to stop Israel? No one. This is what the Free Gaza Movement aims to do, to stop Israel from being allowed to persecute the Palestinian people, not by giving aid to Palestinians, but by standing up to the policies that leave Palestinians in need of aid.

On August 23 2008, 44 ordinary people from 17 different countries sailed to Gaza on two small wooden boats. We did what our goverments would not do. We directly challenged Israels illegal blockade, and we won. For the first time in over 40 years, international ships docked at Gaza Port. Since then we have organized a total of eight voyages to Gaza, successfully arriving in Gaza five times. We brought into Gaza doctors, nurses, teachers, parliamentarians, journalist, human rights observers, and others … all who could not enter Gaza any other way. We also carried on our small boats, a symbolic amount of aid. Our boats were too small to carry the things that Gaza really needs. Also, the purpose of our missions is not to simply deliver aid to Palestine, but to campaign for Palestinian human rights. The Palestinian people have a right to freedom where they can work, feed their families, lead a dignified life. Palestinians don’t want to live on humanitarian aid. We don’t want charity.

On December 30, 2008, in the midst of Israel’s assault on Gaza, the Free Gaza Movement organized its sixth voyage on an emergency mission to Gaza to bring in doctors and medical supplies. The Israeli navy violently rammed our small boat, the DIGNITY, in the middle of the sea in international waters. Luckily no one was hurt, but the boat was destroyed. Two weeks later, we organized another mission on a different boat, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, and Israel nearly sank that boat. On June 29, 2009, we launched our latest mission carrying 9 tons of medical supplies, reconstruction supplies, school supplies, and toys for childern. On 30 June our boat was surrounded by Israeli naval forces. Israeli soldiers commandeered our boat, sailed it to an Israeli port and arrested 21 human rights campaigners on board, including a former member of the US Congress Cynthia McKinney and Irish Nober peace laureate, Mairead Maguire.

Despite these violent interceptions, the Free Gaza Movement is not backing down. The violence perpetrated againts us is nothing compared to what is done to the Palestinian people on a daily basis. In two months we are going back to Gaza with more boats, more people, more supplies, and more media. Now instead of just sending one boat to Gaza, we will sail a fleet of boats. Amongst these boats, we will have a cargo ship so that we can carry the concstruction supplies that Gaza needs to rebuild and the school supplies that Israel denies to Gaza’s youth. We have been working hard over the last few months to raise the funds that we need to make this happen. And we need your help. This is why I am in Indonesia today to ask for your support.
For far too long people have treated Palestine as a charity case. Its not. There is a crisis in Gaza, but it’s a man-made humanitarian crisis. Therefore, in it not enought to just send food and medicine to Gaza. In order to end this crisis, we must mobilize to confront collectively, the policies that cause it. We must break this illegal blockade on Gaza. I am inviting the people of Indonesia to join us by sending a boat to Gaza.

Huwaida Arraf

Huwaida Arraf (lahir 1976 di Detroit, Michigan) adalah seorang Amerika Palestina Kristen aktivis hak asasi manusia, pengacara dan co-pendiri Gerakan Solidaritas Internasional (ISM), sebuah organisasi Palestina yang dipimpin berfokus pada membantu pihak Palestina dari konflik Israel-Palestina menggunakan non-kekerasan protes . Praktek hukum nya berbasis di Ramallah . [1]

Arraf di tahun 2009
Yg dibawa lahir 1976
Detroit, Michigan , Amerika Serikat
Kebangsaan Amerika
Etnis Palestina
Kewarganegaraan Amerika
Pendidikan University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Universitas Amerika
Pendudukan pengacara, aktivis
Pasangan (s) Adam Shapiro

Keluarga dan Pendidikan

Arraf adalah Kristen dan memiliki dua orang tua Palestina. Di bawah hukum Israel, dia memiliki kewarganegaraan Israel melalui ayahnya, seorang Israel-Arab . Orangtuanya pindah dari Tepi Barat ke Detroit, Michigan , tempat kelahiran Arraf, untuk bisa membesarkannya jauh dari kekerasan di Tepi Barat. Dia dan orang tuanya dapat mengunjungi Israel setiap beberapa tahun sampai Arraf berusia sepuluh tahun. [2]
Arraf mengambil jurusan studi Arab dan Yahudi dan ilmu politik di University of Michigan, Ann Arbor . Dia menghabiskan satu tahun di Universitas Ibrani di Yerusalem dan mempelajari bahasa Ibrani pada kibbutz . [3] Arraf kemudian meraih JD di American University 's Washington College of Law . Fokusnya adalah pada Hak Asasi Manusia Internasional dan Hukum Humaniter, dengan minat khusus dalam kejahatan perang penuntutan.
Sebagai seorang mahasiswa hukum Arraf melakukan penelitian untuk International Public Hukum dan Kebijakan Grup, yang menyediakan pro bono bantuan hukum kepada pemerintah yang terlibat dalam konflik. Arraf juga bekerja dengan Klinik Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia Internasional di Washington College of Law, di mana dia mewakili klien sebelum Komisi Inter-Amerika tentang Hak Asasi Manusia pada isu-isu mulai dari hak tanah adat untuk penculikan lintas-perbatasan dan rendition tidak teratur. [4]

Kegiatan profesional

Pada musim semi tahun 2000, Arraf perjalanan ke Yerusalem untuk melayani sebagai koordinator program Seeds of Peace , sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang berbasis di AS yang bertujuan untuk mendorong dialog antara Yahudi pemuda dan Palestina. [5]
Pada tahun 2001 gelarnya di Pusat Koeksistensi di Yerusalem adalah Koordinator Regional. [6] Arraf menikah Adam Shapiro , yang lain co-founder ISM, pada tahun 2002. Mereka bertemu saat keduanya bekerja di Yerusalem pusat Seeds of Peace. [7]
Pada tahun 2003 Arraf dan suaminya bersama-sama dianugerahi Fellowship oleh Bergema Hijau Yayasan di New York, yang kemudian mereka menolak.

Keterlibatan dengan Gerakan Solidaritas Internasional

Arraf mendirikan ISM pada tahun 2001, ketika tinggal di wilayah Palestina. Dia mendirikan ISM dengan anggota dua yayasan Palestina dengan ikatan internasional yang kuat, yang Holy Land Trust dan pemulihan hubungan Centre. Pada ISM, ia telah berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan ribuan sukarelawan dari seluruh dunia non-kekerasan dan pemantauan hak asasi manusia dan pelaporan.
ISM Arraf 's merek metode sebagai "aksi langsung tanpa kekerasan": anggota kelompok yang sengaja menempatkan diri mereka dalam situasi kontroversial dan sengaja memprovokasi konfrontasi fisik. Arraf dan Shapiro menjelaskan perbedaan antara filsafat mereka sendiri dan Gandhi dan Martin Luther King, Jr . Mereka menekankan bahwa penting untuk memahami "bahwa Palestina memiliki hak untuk menolak dengan tangan, karena mereka adalah orang-orang yang diduduki kepada siapa kekuatan dan kekerasan yang digunakan. "Mereka juga menganjurkan bahwa Hamas mengirim orang bersemangat untuk jihad untuk berdiri di penghalang jalan sebagai martir, mengatakan ini adalah sebagai mulia sebagai melaksanakan pemboman bunuh diri dan bahwa mereka akan tetap dianggap syahid Allah. [8]

  Arraf dan Mairead Maguire , 2009
Arraf telah mengakui bahwa ISM memiliki kontak langsung dengan Hamas, Jihad Islam , dan PFLP organisasi teror AS yang ditunjuk-semua. Dia kemudian menjelaskan, mengatakan bahwa, dalam mengakui hubungan tersebut, namun bersikeras bahwa dalam mengakui hubungan tersebut, ia "menawarkan contoh konkret dari cara di mana kelompok-kelompok ini terlibat dalam perlawanan tanpa kekerasan." [9]
Selama Intifadah kedua, Arraf diselenggarakan apa yang disebut demonstrasi menentang pemukim Yahudi di Tepi Barat. [ rujukan? ]

Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Arraf adalah ketua Gerakan Gaza Bebas , [10] organisasi belakang Gaza Freedom armada - serangkaian kelompok kapal yang mengangkut aktivis Pro-Palestina yang diselenggarakan untuk mematahkan blokade laut Israel atas Jalur Gaza. Dia kapal 2.008 perahu Free Gaza [3] serta 2.010 armada yang digerebek oleh pasukan Israel pada 31 Mei. [11] Menggunakan telepon satelit di papan, Arraf menyatakan bahwa rencana mereka adalah untuk memiliki perahu terus menuju Gaza "sampai mereka menonaktifkan perahu kami atau melompat di atas kapal." [11]
Pada saat penggerebekan, Arraf adalah kapal Challenger 1, [11] salah satu kapal terkecil (30 kaki) dari armada tersebut. Pada hari Kamis, 3 Juni 2010 dia memberikan versi nya kejadian di Challenger 1 dalam sebuah wawancara di Democracy Now . [12]
Arraf mengundurkan diri dari posisi ini pada bulan Oktober 2012, setelah serangkaian tweets anti-Semit diposting di Twitter feed resmi Gerakan Gaza Bebas. [13]


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