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R4BIA Adalah Lambang Freemason?

Written By Unknown on Friday 2 January 2015 | 16:21:00

Penggunaan empat jari oleh perdana menteri Turkey Rajab Ardogan sebagai lambang kecekalan (samud) menentang kezaliman di Mesir pada hakikatnya ia adalah lambang freemason (al-Masuniyyah). Ikhawan Muslimun Mesir menambah warna kuning dan senjata sebagai lambang mereka. Lambang ahli l-Bait Rasulullah s.a.w adalah tangan dengan lima jari bererti 5 manusia yg suci; Muhammad s.a.w, Fatimah, Hasan, Husain dan Ali a.s.

Perancang R4BIA Ungkap Rahasia Warna Kuning dan Hitam

Nih, buat yang mengklaim simbol Rabia adalah simbol freemason. Sebuah surat kabar Turki melakukan wawancara dengan dua orang perancang simbol R4BIA yang telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, hari Rabu (18/9/2013) kemarin.

R4BIA adalah sebuah simbol berwarna kuning yang di tengahnya terdapat gambar tangan yang membuka empat jari berwarna hitam. Simbol ini digunakan untuk menunjuk pembantaian yang dilakukan pemerintah kudeta terhadap para demonstran di Bundaran Rab’ah Adawiyah.

Dua perancang R4BIA, yaitu Shalihah Irene dan Cihad Dulles, menyebutkan bahwa simbol ini menunjukkan teriakan protes terhadap kekejaman pembantaian yang terjadi di Rab’ah. Mereka menerangkan bahwa warna kuning menunjuk kepada kota Al-Quds di Palestina, sedangkan warna hitam menunjuk kepada Ka’bah di Mekah Saudi Arabia. Irene mengatakan bahwa hanya ada satu hal yang dikhawatirkannya, yaitu manusia. Dia bekerja desain grafis selama 12 tahun, bekerja sebagai sukarelawan di sebuah media berita yang menggunakan facebook, Haber Seyret. Sedangkan Cihad mengatakan bahwa warna hitam menyatukan antara Ka’bah dengan kesedihan. Dia adalah seorang insinyur. Dia bekerja di Haber Seyret juga sebagai sukarelawan selama dua tahun. Tentang warna kuning, Irene mengatakan bahwa warna itu sudah dilihatnya selama bertahun-tahun. Saat itu matahari sangat terik berada di atas masjid Kubah Shahrah di Al-Quds.

Setiap kali umat Islam melakukan perlawanan terhadap kekejaman, aku selalu teringat dengan kuatnya warna kuning di masjid Kubah itu. Sedangkan warna hitam melambangkan kesedihan yang meliputi Bundaran Rab’ah Adawiyah. Warna itu juga sudah pernah aku lihat di Rab’ah, yaitu ketika bulan Ramadhan sebelum terjadinya pembantaian 14 Agustus. Saat itu ada seorang ibu tua yang memakai pakaian serba hitam melakukan shalat ke arah kiblat dan menengadahkan tangannya ke atas.

Ini mengingatkanku kepada Ka’bah yang kita sucikan. Setiap kali kehilangan arah dalam kehidupan, kita selalu menemukan jalan untuk kembali. Kita mengarahkan wajah kita ke arah Kiblat.

Freemasons Symbol or Simbol Freemason

4 Jari bermata Dajjal

Ini adalah salah satu simbol Freemason dari sekian banyak simbol dan perkembangannya. Silahkan klik: , .

Mengenai Freemason, baca juga di wikipedia


Simbol 4 Jari baru-baru ini di populer oleh Perdana Menteri Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan juga ‘melaunching’ simbol 4 jari sebagai simbol untuk mengenang markas demonstran Pro Mursi di Rabi’ah yang telah dibumi hanguskan oleh junta militer .


Erdogan Launching 'Simbol 4 Jari' Simbol Perlawanan dan Keteguhan Rakyat Mesir

ANKARA - Sabtu (17/8) Perdana Menteri Turki Recep Tayip Erdogan kembali mengecam keras pembantaian yang dilakukan junta militer Mesir yang terjadi pada hari Jumat dan Sabtu di Ramses Square dan Masjid Fatih yang dikepung junta Militer.

Pada kesempatan itu, Erdogan juga 'melaunching' simbol 4 jari sebagai simbol untuk mengenang markas demonstran Pro Mursi di Rabi'ah yang telah dibumi hanguskan oleh junta militer. Secara sederhana simbol 4 jari untuk menunjuk icon Rabi'ah (dalam bahasa Arab, Rabi'ah/arba'ah = Empat). Rab'ah (angka 4) dijadikan sebagai Simbol Keteguhan dann Perlawanan untuk seluruh dunia yang mencintai kebebasan.

Simbol 4 jari dan hashtag #R4BIA ini sudah ramai dipakai oleh pengguna social media (twitter, fb) mulai Sabtu kemarin. #R4BIA menjadi simbol keteguhan, kekuatan, perlawanan dan persatuan. Rab'ah berarti 4, maka simbolnya jari angka 4.

Berikut isi pidato Erdogan dihadapan massa demo pro Mursi di Turki

(disampaikan oleh @AryaSandhiyudha) :
Sekarang kita tuit 'speech' Erdogan terkait situasi trbaru: militer Mesir yg masuk ke Masjid Fatih menembaki & membunuhi demonstran.

Erdogan: Mereka yg gulingkan pemerintah sah di Mesir & telah abaikan suara rakyat, kini mulai membantai rakyat mereka sendiri.

Erdogan: Ribuan warga Mesir berjalan menuju syahid berhadapan dengan tank para pelaku kudeta militer.

Erdogan: Anda bisa nonton TV (live). Seorang Mesir berdiri di depan tank, tanpa ada batu di tangannya. Tapi dia tetap ditembak.

Erdogan: (Anda paham?) Tidak ada yg membantu pemerintah Mesir saat Morsi 1 tahun berkuasa. Baik Barat maupun Arab Teluk.

Erdogan: Kini. $16 Miliar bantuan dikirim segera oleh negara2 ArabTeluk bagi pemerintah kudeta. Kenapa semunafik itu? Mau sampai kapan?

Erdogan: Mereka (negara2 ArabTeluk) yang kirim bantuan $ 16 miliar kepada pemerintah kudeta di Mesir adalah mitra kudeta.

Erdogan: Jumlah martir yg dibantai kemarin & hari ini (di Ramses Square) sudah 600 jiwa. Mereka menembakinya di tempat ibadah selama berminggu-minggu.

Erdogan: Mereka membunuh 53 saudara Mesir kami saat mereka melakukan shalat subuh. Muslim macam apa ini?

Erdogan: Mereka tanpa ampun membunuhi anak-anak, perempuan, dan membakar rumah sakit.

Erdogan: Saya mengutuk semua serangan (militer) terhadap masjid dan gereja.

Erdogan: Muslim Brotherhood is protecting churches. But those "well-known Gezi media" (Western media) say 30 churches were burned.

Erdogan: They also burned our mosques in Syria and Egypt. Bashar or Sisi, they have no difference.

Erdogan: Kebuasan di Mesir mungkin juga dilakukan di negara lain, mungkin "mereka" inginkan kekacauan di Turki juga.

Erdogan: Sebab mereka tak ingin Turki digdaya di kawasan ini. Saudara-saudaraku, kita akan gagalkan semua rencana itu dengan kesabaran.

Erdogan: Mari do'akan Suriah & Mesir. 100.000 rakyat Suriah juga telah dibunuhi diktator di Suriah.

from istanbul to #r4bia, resistance symbol of all muslims #egyptmassacre #egypt #egyanticoup #anticoup

Emre Belözoğlu, Turkish football player makes the resistance sign of #R4BIA after scoring.

Supporters of President Mohamed Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood wave Egyptian flags during a rally in protest against the recent violence in Egypt, outside of the Eminonu New mosque in Istanbul August 17, 2013. REUTERS

Avatar simbol #R4BIA yang dipakai supporters Pro Mursi di social media (twitter, fb) silakan ganti ava sbg bentuk solidarity dan kepedulian anda !!



Lise Hand: Our uprising brought down FF with Pencil Revolution

Fine Gael TDs John O'Mahony, Michelle Mulherin, Enda Kenny and Michael Ring hold up four fingers at the count centre in Castlebar to show the party's immense achievement in capturing four of the five seats in Mayo

On RTE, John Bowman concluded, 'Long may we choose power in Ireland with a ballot paper in one hand and a pencil in the other'

THEY left their houses in their hundreds of thousands, in the sun and in the rain. They travelled from the Inishowen peninsula, the Wicklow hills; they journeyed along winding roads in Skibbereen, Emyvale, Ballyheigue, Banagher, and down the broad streets of Cork city and the narrow ones of Wexford town. They made their way through the capital's sprawling suburbs from Rathfarnham to Dun Laoghaire to Drumcondra and Ballyfermot.

They poured into 6,000 polling stations across the country, simmering and seething, racked with rage, gripped by heartache and hellbent on revenge.

They'd waited months and months for this day as they watched shops in their towns and villages boarded up, dole queues lengthen and their children leave.

They'd bided their time after Anglo imploded and took the economy with it, and when the men from the IMF took away our sovereignty one snowy winter's night.

They didn't light fires or storm parliament or do bloody battle on the streets.

Instead, armed with that humble little weapon so sneeringly dismissed by a former Taoiseach as "our stupid oul' pencils", they rained down vengeance on the Government.

With over 2.2 million strokes and ticks and marks they struck down the mighty party of power, stabbing into its heart over and over to ensure it didn't rise again. As the tempests of change howl and swirl across the Middle East, we too held our own uprising on Friday, February 25, when we unleashed our Pencil Revolution.

And what a dramatic, heart-stopping new picture all those pencils have created, redrawing the map of Irish politics, perhaps forever.

The six Green Party deputies were scribbled out completely, but almost all the vanquished in this revolution belong to the ranks of Fianna Fail which suffered its worst electoral defeat in the history of the party.

There was a sense of disbelief over the scale of the massacre, as backbencher after junior minister after senior minister were toppled, leaving a shell-shocked party scrambling to reach 20 seats and struggling to understand their lowly place in the new scheme of things.

"It was like Fianna Fail was hit by a tsunami," mourned former minister Batt O'Keeffe in the aftermath.

But the wave hasn't just swept Fianna Fail away -- it has also carried into the 31st Dail resurgent parties Fine Gael and Labour and Sinn Fein and a bubbling swell of Independents.

In the RDS, Dublin, on Saturday, home to six constituency counts, there was a dizzying sense of momentous events unfolding as the long day progressed into late evening.

The tide took out Mary Coughlan, Mary Hanafin, Barry Andrews, Conor Lenihan -- and almost claimed his brother Brian Lenihan, too.

The annihilated Greens turned up en masse and teary-eyed outside the count centre and vowed to fight on.

"It's a sad day for the party. We have suffered a major defeat but will regroup," declared John Gormley though he bore the expression of a man still trying to pick himself off the floor.

And in came a deluge of newcomers. At one count declaration for Dublin North-Central, first-time Labour candidate Aodhan O Riordain listened tensely. He was within a few votes of claiming a considerable scalp -- that of Fianna Fail princeling Sean Haughey.

"What happens now?" he asked a colleague.

It was a good question. Little was certain while the kaleidoscope of candidates continued to shift, but one thing was certain -- Enda Kenny was the Taoiseach-elect, either with the support of Independents, or in coalition with Labour.

All eyes were on Enda. Only nine years ago it was Fine Gael which was in tatters after taking an electoral battering, and it was only eight months ago since a leadership heave against him almost tore his party asunder.

Almost incredibly he had survived and now, 36 years after entering Dail Eireann as a TD, the Mayoman was surfing to victory. The West was awake and in wonderment. The Western foot-soldiers of the Pencil Revolution had marched in huge numbers and in Mayo it looked as if Fine Gael were poised to do what no other political party had ever achieved, by electing four deputies in a five-seater.

In late afternoon Enda arrived at the count centre in his hometown of Castlebar and plunged into a tumult of emotion and a scrum of photographers and TV cameras.

But he couldn't stay long enough to hear that sweetest of moments for any candidate -- the declaration that he had been elected to the 31st Dail on the first count and had sailed to the top of the national poll with 17,472 votes.

For at that moment Enda was air-bound to Dublin. Sweet though his victory might be, there isn't any time to stop and savour it. Not while the country is still deep in the iron fist of recession and economic turmoil.

There's a government to form, a deal to be struck with Labour, a crucial crunch EU summit to prepare for, a wounded populace to reassure. And so just before 10pm on Saturday, the Taoiseach-elect arrived in the Burlington Hotel to address a crowd of party supporters.

There were no trumpets and only a few balloons. There was loud cheering but the chandeliers remained untouched and the roof intact.

Engulfed by the inevitable posse of frantic photographers Enda slowly made his way to the stage and waited for the cheers to subside.

"We now stand at a transformative moment in Ireland's history. We stand on the brink of fundamental change -- change that will require a gigantic leap of faith in a time when the idea of hope, even the idea of future itself, are being tested," he told the room.

At times Enda sounded a bit awkward, particularly using grandiloquent phrases such as "let the word go forth", but then surely the momentousness of this extraordinary election was only beginning to sink in.

Particularly when a genuine hand of history had landed on his shoulder just hours before, when he had received a call from former Fine Gael Taoiseach, 91-year-old Liam Cosgrave. "He said to me, 'I'm an old man, but you made me proud'," revealed Enda.

What a lot Enda has to live up to, borne aloft into high office on a hopeful powerful wave of strokes and ticks and marks.

Wrapping up RTE's election coverage yesterday afternoon, John Bowman concluded, "Long may we choose power in Ireland with a ballot paper in one hand and a pencil in the other."


Adakah hubungannya dengan Freemason ?



Sejarah Illuminati

Illuminati adalah sebuah organisasi persaudaraan rahasia kuno yang pernah ada dan diyakini masih tetap ada sampai sekarang, walaupun tidak ditemukan bukti – bukti nyata tentang keberadaan organisasi persaudaraan ini sampai saat ini. Kata Illuminati dapat diterjemahkan sebagai “Pencerahan Baru”. Para pengikut Illuminati disebut “Illuminatus”, yang berarti “Yang Tercerahkan”.

Illuminati sebelumnya bernama Ordo Perfectibilists, yang didirikan oleh Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), seorang keturunan Yahudi yang lahir dan besar di Ingolstadt, dan memiliki latar belakang pendidikan sebagai seorang Jesuit. Adam Weishaupt lalu menjadi seorang pendeta Katolik dan selanjutnya mengorganisasi House of Rothschild. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, ia beserta organisasi yang dipimpinnya, Illuminati, memiliki pandangan-pandangan yang menyimpang (bid’ah) dari ajaran resmi gereja Katolik, sehingga ia diekskomunikasi (dilarang mengajarkan pahamnya) oleh gereja dan dikeluarkan dari kelompok gereja kristiani-Katolik. Illuminatus adalah individu – individu yang mencari jawaban dan penjelasan rasional dengan apa yang disebut “Agama sebagai misteri Tuhan”. Menurut mereka, dengan penjelasan logis ilmu pengetahuan tidak ada lagi misteri Tuhan karena semua ada jawabannya.

Lengkapnya disni

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Masonic symbols mark the claim R4bia

Rabia mark the four means in Arabic. According to a claim that the Masons with the marking point. Here he claims;

who are victims of the massacre Brotherhood movement in Egypt, the Internet news-what does that mean R4BİA mark? Have a Masonic symbol pointing?

coup in Turkey, Egypt, Israel claims there is behind the claim that speaking about the Rabia mark is not surprising at Masonic symbol, bright, Erdem Erden author

Erdem's claim that the Muslim Brotherhood movement of the Freemasons secret selamlaşmalarında use this mark. This sign is also used as a symbol of the dark spirits Sumerians. Here are the claims Erdem;


"in Arabic rabia, four means. Four, and the fourth.
Middle Eastern symbolism , based on a very old Rabia mark pagan is used in the tradition. Creation 4 energy (which is open to 4 fingers) decreased energy (closed toe) which symbolizes allegiance doin this the"Tsar-ace "is also called.


Car , symbolizes the four slave," ace "captive until you indicate. Backgammon who play the game know this concept. Tsar-ace, 4-1 corresponds to the membrane.
Arabic "concubine word" here income.
sole owner of the slaves who serve (concubine), the meaning of this concept.

the dark spirits Sumerian SIGN

This is a symbol of the old"Sumerian tablets, you can see that the dark souls. Asurlardan the Sumerians, who represent the dark spirits, the spirits must be fought sculptures symbolizing that almost all the"hand figures"are pointing to it.

Masonic symbols
masons, four fingers and the thumb inward deflection of Leaving with the hand at the level of the heart's jacket"with the thumb, fingers open between the"is this movement by obtaining. Mason tokalaşmalarında, while the steep four fingers, thumb curled and inward. Altogether, the"R abia mark is ."

Even a mason, mason face is one method of communication through this special moments. Thumb, the other person squeezes the skin between thumb and forefinger, the one conclusion that can be reached mason.

Mursi'yi strobes HELLO BALL lords

The symbol"Masonic"The fact that those who place does mason. My personal opinion, the era of capitalist symbols of modernity is that a powerful communication tool. So essentially, encompassing a broad range of each symbol, a great communication tool. A message with symbols give. For this reason,"his wife, Nasa"Mursi'yi running, we can see such a symbol as a nod to the global lords disseminated see strobes.

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