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Mengejutkan! Wawancara Media Australia, Hari Tanoe Bicara Ingin Jadi Presiden RI, Fadli Zon Urusan Gampang, Sampai Perkara Kasus Ahok Begini

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 3 January 2017 | 21:27:00

Mitra bisnis presiden terpilih Amerika Serikat Donald Trump, Hary Tanoe mengukuhkan bahwa dia ingin mengikuti jejak mitranya tersebut untuk menjadi presiden Indonesia.

"Bila tidak ada seorang pun yang saya percayai bisa menyelesaikan masalah negeri ini, saya akan mencalonkan diri jadi presiden." kata Hary Tanoesoedibjo kepada ABC.

"Ini bukan untuk diri saya pribadi, tetapi untuk negeri ini" kata pengusaha besar media dan pengembang di Indonesia, yang lebih banyak dikenal dengan nama Hary Tanoe.
Hary Tanoe sudah memiliki partai politik bernama Partai Persatuan Indonesia, atau Perindo.

"Kami memerlukan seorang pemimpin yang memiliki integritas yang bisa membawa pemecahan bagi negeri ini." katanya.

Ambisi politik Hary Tanoe bisa berakibat bahwa bila dia dan Donal Trump menjadi presiden, mereka juga adalah mitra bisnis, hal yang bisa menciptakan konflik kepentingan.

Hary Tanoe terlibat dalam dua proyek Trump, satu di Bali dan satu lagi di dekat Jakarta.

ABC sudah mengunjungi proyek Trump di Lido, Bogor, di mana di sana akan dibangun hotel, 300 vila, country club dan lapangan golf 18 lobang yang didesain oleh pegolf Afrika Selatan Ernie Els, yang akan menggunakan nama Trump.

Pembangunan lapangan golf sudah dimulai, namun pembangunan vila dan hotel belum dimulai.

Keseluruhan proyek diperkirakan akan selesai di masa empat tahun pemerintahan pertama Donald Trump sebagai presiden.

Hubungan bisnis dengan Trump sudah memberikan kemudahan bagi Hary Tanoe untuk melakukan kontak dengan presiden Amerika Serikat tersebut, sesuatu yang susah dilakukan oleh banyak pemimpin dunia lainnya.

"Saya memiliki akses tentu saja ke dia, karena kami menjalin kerjasama. Namun saya harus membatasi kerjasama dan interaksi tersebut." katanya.

Kontak hari ke hari kebanyakan dilakukan dengan anak-anak Trump yang sudah dewasa.
"Dengan ketiganya. Setiap orang punya peran berbeda. Don junior bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan proyek, Erik desain, dan golf, dan Ivanka, rincian mengenai apa yang harus diisi untuk hotel."

Ini adalah bagian dari proyek bernilai miliaran dolar, yang pada akhirnya juga akan memiliki taman hiburan model Disneyland.

HaryTanoe mengatakan berambisi menjadi presiden Indonesia.(Supplied:HarryTanoe)

Hubungan bisnis Trump-Tanoe yang sudah ada berpotensi menimbulkan masalah bagi Trump.

Hary Tanoe sudah mengatur pertemuan antara dua politisi Indonesia, Setya Novanto, yang berada di tengah skandal korupsi bernilai $US 4 miliar di Indonesia dan Fadli Zon, yang memiliki hubungan dekat dengan kelompok garis keras yang menginginkan agar Gubernur Jakarta Ahok dipenjarakan.

Zon pernah bertemu dengan Ketua FPI Habib Rizieq dan berbicara dalam aksi demo 4 November lalu di Jakarta.

Hary Tanoe mengatakan dia tidak khawatir dengan Fadli Zon.

"Dia adalah politisi tetapi kalau kita kenal dia, dia netral. dia sangat moderat. Sebagai politisi dia harus melakukan sesuatu untuk kepentingan politiknya. Itu hal yang normal."
Salah satu faktor yang bisa menjadi penghalang bagi ambisi politik Hary Tanoe adalah latar belakang etnisnya. Sama seperti Ahok, Hary Tanoe adalah keturunan Tionghoa dan agamanya Kristen.

Saat ini, ada ketegangan di Indonesia berkenaan sidang penistaan agama yang dijalani oleh Ahok, 

Indonesia court to proceed with blasphemy trial of Jakarta's governor

Jakarta's Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama gestures inside the courtroom during his blasphemy trial at the North Jakarta District Court in Jakarta, Indonesia, December 27, 2016. (Foto: REUTERS/Bagus Indahono/Pool TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

An Indonesian court will proceed with a controversial blasphemy trial against Jakarta's Christian governor, who is accused of insulting the Koran, a judge said on Tuesday, a case seen as a test of religious freedom in the Muslim-majority nation.

A panel of judges rejected a call by lawyers defending Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama to strike down the case because it had violated the ethnic Chinese politician's human rights and breached procedures.

"The exception by the defendant will be considered and decided by the court after examination of all evidence. The defendant's exception is not accepted," said Judge Abdul Rosyad.

A tearful Purnama denied at his first hearing on Dec. 13 that he had intended to insult the Koran while he was campaigning ahead of elections in February for the governorship of Jakarta, capital of the world's largest Muslim-majority nation. [nL4N1E82EY]

Hundreds of white-clad Muslim protesters chanted "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) outside the court in north Jakarta on Tuesday and called for the jailing of the governor, known by his nickname Ahok.

"Blasphemy is not acceptable in Indonesia. No religion should be insulted," said Mafut Rudiah, a protester standing outside the courtroom, which was flanked by lines of police.

Standing among a smaller group of the governor's supporters, Kisab Tocakroyo said: "As a fellow Muslim, I think we should forgive him if he has apologised."

The presiding judge on the panel, Dwiyarso Budi Santiarto, said the defence could appeal to a higher court if they did not agree with the decision to proceed with the case.

Purnama, after consulting his lawyers, told the court he would consider doing so.

The next court hearing is scheduled for Jan. 3 and will be moved to an auditorium in the Agriculture Ministry in the south of the city for security reasons, authorities said.

Purnama was named a suspect after hundreds of thousands of people, led by Muslim hardliners, attended rallies in recent months calling for his arrest.

Blasphemy convictions in Indonesia can carry a jail term of up to five years and such charges nearly always result in conviction.

Amnesty International has criticised the law for hurting freedom of expression and for targeting religious minorities.

President Joko Widodo, seen as a Purnama ally, has blamed "political actors" for fuelling the protests, but declined to elaborate.

As governor, Purnama has won credit for cutting red tape and improving the performance of Jakarta's bloated bureaucracy. However, his abrasive language and insistence on clearing city slums has alienated many voters.

After suffering a slide in support in opinion polls, Purnama has rebounded to become the frontrunner again in the election race to lead Jakarta, according to a poll by the Indonesian Survey Institute earlier this month.

Meski sudah ada dua aksi besar menentang Ahok, Hary Tanoe tetap optimistis. Sekitar 500 ribu orang menghadiri aksi di Monas 2 Desember lalu.

'Bila presiden Jokowi bertindak dengan cepat, kita tidak akan melihat adanya aksi 2 Desember," kata Hary.

"Masalahnya adalah lebih ke Presiden Jokowi. Dia harus menunjukkan kepemimpinan yang lebih tegas untuk membuat situasi tenang."

"Indonesia siap untuk pemimpin dari latar belakang apa saja. Mayoritas warga bersikap lebih realistis. Mereka menginginkan pemimpin yang bisa membawa solusi."

Diterjemahkan pukul 13:50 AEST 3/1/2017 oleh Sastra Wijaya dan simak beritanya dalam bahasa Inggris di sini.

Donald Trump's Indonesian business partner Hary Tanoe 'may try to run for president'

Donald Trump's Indonesian business partner has confirmed he wants to follow in the footsteps of his fellow billionaire and run for president.

"If there is no-one I can believe who can fix the problems of the country, I may try to run for president," Hary Tanoesoedibjo told the ABC.

"Not for myself, for the country," added the media mogul and property developer, who is always referred to as Hary Tanoe. He already has his own political party.

"We need a leader with integrity who can bring a solution for the country," he said.

Mr Tanoe's political ambitions mean there is a potential for two world leaders to also be business partners — creating a minefield of potential conflicts of interest.

Mr Tanoe is building two Trump projects — one in Bali and the other in the hills outside Jakarta.

The ABC has visited the Jakarta project which includes a Trump-branded hotel, 300 villas, a Trump country club and an 18-hole Ernie Els-designed golf course that will carry Trump's name.

The earthworks on the golf course have finished and planting of grass on the fairways has begun. The hotel and villa construction has not yet started, but the entire project should be finished inside Mr Trump's first term in office.

The business link with Mr Trump has given Mr Tanoe the ability to contact the incoming US president — something that plenty of world leaders struggled with.

"I have access to him of course, because we are in cooperation, but I have to limit the cooperation and interaction," he said.

Day-to-day contact is mostly with the adult Trump children.

"The three of them. Each of them has different roles. Don junior has responsibility for the overall project, Eric the design and golf, and Ivanka more of detail — the fit-out of the hotel."

It is part of a billion-dollar project that will eventually include a Disneyland-style theme park.

Trump to meet with controversial politicians

The Trump-Tanoe link already has the potential to create problems for Mr Trump.

Mr Tanoe has already arranged for two controversial Indonesian politicians to meet with Mr Trump: Setya Novanto, who was at the centre of a $US4 billion corruption scandal in Indonesia, and Fadli Zon, who is close to the Indonesian hardliners who want Jakarta's Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, known by his nickname Ahok, jailed.

Mr Zon has met with the racist hardliner cleric Habib Rizieq, and has addressed one of the huge anti-Ahok rallies.

Mr Tanoe said he was not concerned about Mr Zon.

"He's a politician, so, but knowing him, he's very neutral. He's very moderate. Being a politician you have to make manoeuvers for your political position. It's very normal."

One of the factors holding back Mr Tanoe's political ambitions is his ethnicity — like Jakarta's Governor he is from an Indonesian Chinese background, and he is a Christian.

There is an ugly mood in Indonesia right now against both minorities.

The mood is being fuelled by Ahok's blasphemy trial.

Mr Tanoe is optimistic, despite the two huge anti-Ahok protests. There were an estimated half-a-million people at the second rally, on December 2.

"If the president, Jokowi, responded quickly enough we would not have seen the December 2 protest," said Mr Tanoe.

"The issue is more with President Jokowi. He has to show his leadership is firm enough to make people calm down.

"Indonesia is ready for whoever background for leadership [sic]. The majority of the people are more realistic. They want to see a leader who can bring solutions."


bila link sudah dihapus sumber ABC news bisa klik di link Guardian

Donald Trump's Indonesian business partner considers running for president

Billionaire developer Hary Tanoe, who is building two Trump resorts, says he has ‘access’ to the US president-elect

Donald Trump’s Indonesian business partner, a billionaire developer and media mogul, has announced he might run for president in Indonesia’s 2019 elections.

“If there is no one I can believe who can fix the problems of the country, I may try to run for president,” Hary Tanoesoedibjo told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

“Not for myself, for the country,” he said, adding that the nation of about 260 million people needs “a leader with integrity who can bring a solution for the country”.

Known locally as Hary Tanoe, the tycoon is building two Trump developments – a 100-hectare, six-star luxury resort on the coast of Bali and a resort outside Jakarta with a championship golf course designed by former world No 1 Ernie Els. The resort will have 300 villas and adjoin a theme park.

Both projects are due to be completed while Trump is in office.

Unlike Trump before his presidential run, the 50-year-old has already delved deeply into politics. Tanoe made a failed attempt in 2014 to get the nomination for vice-president and has since set up his own political party, United Indonesia, using Twitter and appearances on his TV stations as a platform.

His company, Global Mediacom, also known as MNC Group, saw stocks rise significantly when Trump won the election in November.

Tanoe said he has “access” to Trump although it was limited and most of his contact regarding the joint developments was with the president-elect’s adult children; Donald Jr, Eric and Ivanka. “Each of them has different roles. Don Jr has responsibility for the overall project, Eric the design and golf, and Ivanka more of detail – the fit-out of the hotel,” he said.

Vast foreign business interests held by an incoming president have been flagged as a potential conflict of interests, especially if the ventures are linked to businesspeople with aspirations for power.

In Indonesia’s last election, Tanoe threw his support behind former general Prabowo Subianto, who went on to lose to Joko Widodo, meaning Trump’s biggest financial stake in Indonesia is run by a political adversary to the country’s leader.

And Tanoe has already arranged for two controversial Indonesian politicians to meet Trump. The first was Setya Novanto, the speaker of the House of Representatives who was at the centre of a $US4bn corruption scandal in Indonesia. He denies all allegations.

The second was Fadli Zon, the deputy speaker, who is close to Indonesian religious hardliners who have been pushing for Jakarta’s governor to be jailed for blasphemy.

Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, known by his nickname Ahok, is fighting a racially charged attempt to prevent him from winning a second term next month by Islamists who are against a Christian Indonesian of Chinese heritage being in power.

But Tanoe, also a Chinese Indonesia Christian, said the country was ready for a leader of any background. “The majority of the people are more realistic. They want to see a leader who can bring solutions,” he said.

He blamed the president, known as Jokowi, for not responding “quickly enough” to quell protests in that capital that saw roughly half-a-million people rally against Ahok on 2 December. “The issue is more with President Jokowi. He has to show his leadership is firm enough to make people calm down.”

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